Cilj projekta je uključiti psihološki sentiment (dobiven iz anketa pouzdanja poduzeća i potrošačkih anketama; BCS) u makroekonomskom modeliranju. Naime, BCS nude izravnu procjenu inače nematerijalnih čimbenika, kao što su percepcije i očekivanja gospodarskih subjekata. Oni mjere sklonost anketiranih potrošača za konzumiranje / ulaganje / štednju, za razliku od njihove sposobnosti da učine isto. Stoga su ovi psihološki čimbenici presudni za razumijevanje temeljne tržišne snage i ponašanja potrošača.
U skladu s navedenom motivacijom za istraživanje, dvije specifične kategorije znanstvenog doprinosa se očekuje od ovog projekta: prva uključuje metodološke inovacije u istraživanju BCS (prva tri cilja), a druga se temelji na uspostavljanju BCS kao nezamjenjivog alata za modeliranje makroekonomskog ponašanja potrošača i poslovnih subjekata (posljednja četiri cilja).
2. Definiranje novog sustava ponderiranja u izračunu Indeksa ekonomskog raspoloženja (ESI),
3. Implementacija naprednog metodološkog okvira u makroekonomskom modeliranju pomoću BCS podataka,
4. Određivanje prirode odnosa između raspoloženja potrošača i burzovnih prinosa:
i. Utvrđivanje pokazatelj optimizam na Zagrebačkoj burzi,
ii. Identificiranje uzročnosti smjera između potrošačkog optimizma i kretanjima na tržištu dionica,
iii. Provjera asimetričnog učinaka (nelinearnosti) u ispitivanom odnosima,
5. Konstruiranje pokazatelja likvidnosti u hrvatskom gospodarstvu,
6. Utvrđivanje uloge potrošačkog sentimenta na tržištu nekretnina,
7. Procjena vrijednost odgovora potrošača u CS o financijskim teškoćama kućanstava u usporedbi s drugim sličnim pokazateljima.
Ciljevi (osim cilja 5) će se ispunjavati analizirajući predložena pitanja (odgovore) u zemljama Europske unije, što će poboljšati opće razumijevanje uloge sentimenta u ekonomskom odlučivanju u EU i Hrvatskoj.
The aim of this project is to incorporate psychological sentiment (obtained by Business and Consumer Surveys; BCS) in macroeconomic modelling. Namely, BCS offer direct assessment of the otherwise intangible factors such as economic agents’ perceptions and expectations. They measure the agents’ willingness to consume/invest/save, as opposed to their ability to do the same. Hence these psychological factors are crucial to understand the underlying market forces and agents’ behavior.
In line with the stated motivation for this project research, two specific scientific contributions are expected from this project: the first one involves methodological innovations in the BCS research (the first three goals), and the other is based on establishing BCS as an indispensable tool for behavioral macroeconomic modeling (the last four goals).
In line with the stated motivation for this project research, two specific scientific contributions are expected from this project: the first one involves methodological innovations in the BCS research (the first three goals), and the other is based on establishing BCS as an indispensable tool for behavioral macroeconomic modeling (the last four goals).
- Estimate inflation expectations by modeling the consumer survey responses on future inflation dynamics with skewed and kurtotic theoretical distributions,
- Define a novel weighting scheme in the calculation of the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI),
- Implement an advanced methodological framework in macroeconomic modeling using BCS data,
- Determine the nature of the relationship between consumer sentiment and stock market returns:
- Composing an optimism indicator for the Zagreb Stock Exchange,
- Identifying the causality direction between consumer optimism and stock market developments,
- Inspecting for asymmetric effects (nonlinearities) in the examined relationship,
6. Discern the role of consumers’ sentiment in the real estate market,
7. Assess the value of consumer survey responses on households’ financial distress in comparison to other similar indicators.
The goals (except goal 5) will be fulfilled by analyzing the proposed issues in EU countries, which will improve the general understanding of the role of sentiment in economic decision-making in EU and in Croatia.