Ekonomski fakultet - Zagreb

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Kiss Kulenović, B., Suša Vugec, D., Kabalin Borenić, V., Pezić, R., “What do students like about online tools? An exploration of student preferences and the underlying reasons.” Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes Vol. 12, No 2, 2024. pp 313-324. https://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/espeap/article/view/1429

Linčir Lumezi, M., Planinšek-Čikara, I., Kiss Kulenović, B., “Trebaju li nam uopće rječnici?” 6. međunarodna konferencija - Suvremeni izazovi u poučavanju jezika struke - Zbronik radova: Udruga nastavnika jezika struke na visokoškolskim ustanovama, 2023.  pp. 172-191 https://unjsvu.hr/hr/zbornik/zbornik-radova-6-konferencije-2023/

Kabalin Borenić, V., Kiss Kulenović, B., Suša Vugec, D. “Student reactions to online learning and online teaching tools used in a Business English course during the Covid-19 pandemic” CASALC Review - Journal of the Czech and Slovak Association of Language Centres Vol. 12, No 2, 2022. pp. 78-95  https://journals.muni.cz/casalc-review/article/view/33018

Kiss Kulenović, B., “Business Result: Advanced - Student’s Book, Second Edition: A review and critical evaluation” Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes Vol. 10, No 3, 2022. pp. 557-562. http://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/espeap/article/view/1270

Kiss Kulenović, B., “Employing students' creativity and computer skills: Using infographic-creation as a tool in Business English classes” Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes Vol. 10, No 1, 2022. pp. 159-170. http://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/espeap/article/view/1228 

 Kiss Kulenović, B., Lekaj Lubina, B., “Fine-Tuning the Syllabus to Move Towards a Task-Based Approach in a Tertiary Level Business English Course” The Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication Between CulturesConference Proceedings (2016) (Maribor, Slovenia) 

Kiss Kulenović, B., "Using Authentic Materials in Teaching Business English“ Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa „Od teorija do praksa u jeziku struke“ 3. stručno-znanstveni skup Udruge nastavnika jezika struke na visokoškolskim ustanovama, Zagreb, (2016), pp. 26-41.   

Borka Lekaj Lubina, Boglarka Kiss Kulenovic, Mirna Lincir Lumezi, “Creating a Business English Coursebook for Academic Needs: Challenges and Solutions” 17th EBES Conference - Venice Proceedings CD Volume 1 (2015), pp 1195 - 1210.  

Kiss Kulenović, B., Lekaj Lubina, B., Linčir-Lumezi, M., Planinšek-Čikara, I., English for Business: A Coursebook for Undergraduate Professional Degree Programmes in Economics and Business. Sveučilišni udžbenik. Ekonomski Fakultet Zagreb: Zagreb (2015) 

Kiss Kulenović, B.,„Is Business English Ideologically Embedded? A Content Analysis“, The Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication Between Cultures. Conference Proceedings (2011) (Celje, Slovenija),  pp. 107-112.

Kiss Kulenović, B., The Advance of Conformity: An Investigation into American Identity in the 1950s Based on the Reception of Whyte’s The Organization Man”, B.A.S. British and American Studies Vol. IX, (2003) pp. 165-171

Kiss Kulenović, B.,„Blom, Mattias Bolkéus. Stories of Old: The Imagined West and the Crisis of Historical Symbology in the 1970s” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies Vol. VI, Number 1 (2000) pp. 198-201

Objavljeni prijevodi:

1.      Jadranka Bota, Čarobna Istra, EXTRADE d.o.o, Kastav, 2007.
2.      Jadranka Bota, Hrvatski za Turiste, EXTRADE d.o.o, Kastav, 2007.
Konferencijska izlaganja:      

2.-3. svibanj 2024.  Linguistic Diversity in Professional Settings: Needs, Policies and Practices - Beč, Austrija - izlaganje: “Preparing students for linguistic diversity in the workplace through developing a training programme”

23. veljača 2023. Contemporary challenges in LSP teaching - the 6th International Conference of the Croatian Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions (UNJSVU), Osijek, Hrvatska - izlaganje: “What do students like about online tools? An exploration of student preferences and the underlying reasons”

9. rujan 2022. Exploring Language for Specific Purposes in Business and Economics at Tertiary Level, Masaryk University Language Centre, Brno, Češka - izlaganje: “Student reactions to online learning and online teaching tools used during the Covid-19 pandemic”

8. -9. studeni 2018 The 4th International Conference on Foreign Languages and Tourism (FLT2018), Zadar - izlaganje: “Using Infographics in Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes”

22.-23. rujan 2016 The 9th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication Between Cultures - Maribor, izlaganje: “Fine-Tuning the Syllabus to Move Towards a Task-Based Approach in a Tertiary Level Business English Course”

15.-17. listopad 2015: 17th EBES Conference -
Venice, izlaganje: “Creating a Business English Coursebook for Academic Needs: Challenges and Solutions”

20.-21. veljača 2015: „Od teorija do praksa u jeziku struke“ 3. stručno-znanstveni skup Udruge nastavnika jezika struke na visokoškolskim ustanovama (Zagreb). izlaganje: „Korištenje autentičnih materijala u poučavanju poslovnog engleskog jezika“

 22.-23. rujan 2011.: The Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication between Cultures (Celje, Slovenija), izlaganje: „Is Business English Ideologically Embedded? A Content Analysis.“

svibanj 2002. A Conference in English and American Studies (Timisoara, Romania), izlaganje: The Advance of Conformity: An Investigation into American Identity in the 1950s Based on the Reception of Whyte’s The Organization Man

svibanj 2001. A Conference in English and American Studies (Timisoara, Romania), izlaganjeCommunity in Post World War II Suburbs”