Ekonomski fakultet - Zagreb

Popis radova

Vukšić, M., Kabalin Borenić, V., Stjepić Am. (2024). The Role of Game-Based Learning in Teaching English in Higher Education. U S.Karolj, V.Mornar. "Croatian Society for Information, Communication and Electronic Technology - MIPRO", str. 554-559.

Bosilj Vukšić, V., Stjepić, AM., Vukšić, M. (2023). Digitalne tehnologije u zdravstvu i socijalnoj skrbi starijih: rezultati projekta Senior 2030. Zbornik Sveučilišta Libertas 8(9), 201-210. https://doi.org/10.46672/zsl.8.9.13

Stjepić, AM., Vukšić, M., Ivančić, L. (2023). Introducing E-learning Platforms During Pandemic: From Experiences to Guidelines. U: Družić, G. i Basarac Sertić, M. (ur). Conference proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Economics of Decoupling (ICED). Zagreb, 203-219. https://www.croris.hr/crosbi/publikacija/prilog-skup/734430

Bosilj Vukšić, V., Stjepić, AM., Vukšić, M. (2023). Digital technologies for independent living of older adults in health care and social care: A study from Croatia.  Proceedings of FEB Zagreb  14th  International  Odyssey  Conference  on  Economics  and  Business.  Zagreb:  Ekonomski  fakultet   Sveučilišta   u   Zagrebu,   114-124. https://www.croris.hr/crosbi/publikacija/prilog- skup/795336

Vukšić, M., Stjepić, AM., (2022). Izazovi primjene platformi za učenje na daljinu u visokoškolskim ustanovama za vrijeme pandemije COVID-19: pregled literature. U Dolinšek, T. (ur) Zbornik radova međunarodne znanstvene konferencije "Knowledge and Business Challenges in 2022" conference proceedings of the 9th international conference, Celje: Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede, 136-146.

Peternel, L., i Vukšić, M. (2020). Cultural Models of Sustainability in Post-transitional society: Development of Green Economy in Croatia. Anthropos 115 (1), 151-162. https://www.croris.hr/crosbi/publikacija/prilog-casopis/260592

Stjepić, A.M., Vukšić,M., i Suša Vugec, D. (2019). Digital literacy of the generation Z students and their attitudes and beliefs towards ICT knowledge and skills. International Journal Vallis Aurea 5(1), 17-29. https://www.croris.hr/crosbi/publikacija/prilog-casopis/268008