Ekonomski fakultet - Zagreb

Istraživački interesi

Strateški menadžment, međunarodni menadžment, korporativno upravljanje
strateški menadžment, međunarodni menadžment, korporativno upravljanje
Vrdoljak Raguž, I., Jelenc, L. i Podrug, N. (2013) Izvori konkurentske prednosti u XXI. stoljeću. Dubrovnik: Sveučilište u Dubrovniku. (ISBN: 978-953-7153-26-7)

1. Rahimić, Z. i Podrug, N. (2013) Međunarodni menadžment. Sarajevo: Ekonomski fakultet Sarajevo. 1. izdanje. (ISBN: 978-9958-25-082-8)
2. Rahimić, Z. i Podrug, N. (2013) Međunarodni menadžment. Sarajevo: Ekonomski fakultet Sarajevo. 2. izdanje. (ISBN: 978-9958-25-085-9)
3. Tipurić, D., Vrdoljak Raguž, I. i Podrug, N., eds. (2014) Rethinking Corporate Governance. Harlow: Pearson. (ISBN: 978-1-78273-686-8)
4. Vrdoljak Raguž, I., Podrug, N. i Jelenc, L., eds. (2016) Neostrategic Management: An International Perspective on Trends and Challenges. Heidelberg: Springer. (ISBN:  978-3-319-18184-4)
5. Podrug, N., Filipović, D., Kovač, M. (2021) Transnacionalna korporacija: strateški i organizacijski aspekti. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.

1. Tipurić, D. i Podrug, N., ur. (2013)  Abstracts of the Proceedings of the First International OFEL conference on Corporate Governance - Organizational, Financial, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Corporate Governance. Zagreb: CIRU. (ISBN: 978-953-57413-1-2)
2. Podrug, N. ur. (2018) Ekonomska politika Hrvatske u 2019. Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo ekonomista. (ISBN 987-953-262-111-2)
3. Podrug, N. ur. (2019) Ekonomska politika Hrvatske u 2020. Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo ekonomista. (ISBN: 987-953-262-112-9) 

1. Utjecaj kulturoloških dimenzija na stil poslovnog odlučivanja, magistarski rad, Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2005.
2. Odnosi uslužnosti između menadžerskih razina u velikim hrvatskim poduzećima, doktorska disertacija, Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2010.

Podrug, N. (2010) Stewardship relations within management hierarchy in large Croatian companies - Doctoral thesis summary - THIRD AWARD, EDAMBA Journal, Assimakopoulos D. (ur.), str. 37-54. (ISSN: 1334-8078)

1. Račić, D., Babić, Z. i Podrug, N. (2005) Segmentation of the Labour Market and the Protection of Employee Rights in Croatia, Revija za socijalnu politiku, god. 12, br. 1. str. 45-65. (ISSN: 1845-6014) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama SSCI, Sociological Abstracts, SCOPUS, IBSS itd.)
2. Prester, J. i Podrug, N. (2006) Manufacturing Innovations: Case of Croatia, The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 5, No. 2, str. 189-195. (ISSN: 1553-5827) (indeksirano u bibliografskoj bazi ABI/INFORM)
3. Alfirević, N., Vignali J. P. i Podrug, N. (2006) ESOP as an instrument of compensation management - Cases of Pliva and Zagrebačka banka, International Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 8, No. 1, str. 78-81. (ISSN: 1741-6264) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Cabell Publishing i EBSCO)
4. Omazić, M. A., Gonan Božac, M. i Podrug, N. (2006) Privatization process in Croatia: Cases of INA and T-HT, International Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 8, No. 1, str. 60-65. (ISSN: 1741-6264) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Cabell Publishing i EBSCO)
5. Tipurić, D., Podrug, N. i Hruška D. (2007) Cultural Differences: Results from Empirical Research Conducted in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hungary, The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol.7, No.1, str. 151-157. (ISSN: 1553-5827) (indeksirano u bibliografskoj bazi ABI/INFORM)
6. Podrug, N., Rašić Bakarić, I. i Slijepčević, S. (2007) Identificiranje i analiza temeljnih kriterija za odabir banke u Hrvatskoj - ciljna skupina studenti, Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Vol 5, str. 255-272. (ISSN: 1333-8900) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Journal of Economic literature, e-JEL, EconLit-American Economic Association's electronic database)
7. Vignali, C., Podrug, N. i Lovrinčević, M. (2008) The Efficiency Enhancement of Cross-Cultural Communication, World Journal of Retail Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, str. 42-49. (ISSN: 1994-2915)
8. Vignali, C., Podrug, N. i Lovrinčević, M. (2008) Real Estate Marketing: State of Literature and Current Practices in Austrian Real Estate Business, World Journal of Retail Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, str.32-37. (ISSN: 1994-2915)
9. Prester, J., Klindžić, M. i Podrug, N. (2008) Deregulation and Privatization of European Electicity Market - Case Study of HEP Privatization, International Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 10, No. 2, str. 22-33. (ISSN: 1741-6264) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Cabell Publishing i EBSCO)
10. Vignali, C., Podrug, N. i Lovrinčević, M. (2008) Building blocks of a good sales force: Theoretical explanation and some practical considerations, World Journal of Retail Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, str. 3-8. (ISSN: 1994-2915)
11. Vignali, C., Podrug, N. i Lovrinčević, M. (2008) An introduction to multi-level marketing: Business scam or business logic for success?, World Journal of Retail Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, str.31-36. (ISSN: 1994-2915)
12. Tipurić, D., Aleksić, A. i Podrug, N. (2008) Strategic partnership - Case of INA and MOL, International Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 10, No. 2, str. 33-38. (ISSN: 1741-6264) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Cabell Publishing i EBSCO)
13. Vignali, C., Podrug, N. i Lovrinčević, M. (2008) Integrated Marketing Communication As a Holistic And Effective Concept Of Strategic Marketing, World Journal of Retail Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, str. 9-19. (ISSN: 1994-2915)
14. Vignali, C., Podrug, N. i Lovrinčević, M. (2008) Analysis of the Business Success Factors and Best Practices in Marketing Communications, World Journal of Retail Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, str. 20-30. (ISSN: 1994-2915)
15. Hruška D., Marković, M. i Podrug, N. (2008) Privatization in Croatia - Transition into the Free Market Competition - Case Study of RVR, International Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 10, No. 2, str. 68-71. (ISSN: 1741-6264) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Cabell Publishing i EBSCO)
16. Vignali, C., Podrug, N. i Lovrinčević, M. (2008) Corporate branding as a long - term marketing strategy in the real estate business: What makes it so special in the Austrian real estate market circumstances?, World Journal of Retail Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 2, str.50-54. (ISSN: 1994-2915)
17. Tipurić, D. i Podrug, N. (2010) Teorijska konceptualizacija i empirijska validacija teorije uslužnosti, Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Vol. 8, No. 1, str. 65-80. (ISSN: 1333-8900) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Journal of Economic literature, e-JEL, EconLit-American Economic Association's electronic database)
18. Tipurić, D. i Podrug, N. (2010) Korporativna održivost velikih hrvatskih poduzeća, Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Sarajevu, str. 332-346. (ISSN: 1986-5473) (indeksirano u bibliografskoj bazi EBSCO)
19. Podrug, N., Filipović, D. i Milić, S. (2010) Critical overview of agency theory, Annals of 21st DAAAM World Symposiums, Annals of DAAAM for 2010 & Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposiums, Vol. 21, No. 1, str. 1227-1228. (ISSN: 1726-9679) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama ISI Proceedings i EBSCO)
20. Filipović, D., Podrug, N. i Krišto, M. (2010) Relations' assessment among stewardship and stakeholder theory, Annals of DAAAM for 2010 & Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposiums, Vol. 21, No. 1, str. 1229-1230. (ISSN: 1726-9679) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama ISI Proceedings i EBSCO)
21. Podrug, N., Prester, J. i Filipović, D. (2010) Uloga menadžmenta u razvoju proaktivnosti velikih hrvatskih poduzeća, Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Vol. 8, No. 2, str. 7-21. (ISSN: 1333-8900) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Journal of Economic literature, e-JEL, EconLit-American Economic Association's electronic database)
22. Cingula, M., Filipović, D. i Podrug, N. (2010) Entrepreneurial Growth Strategies: Comparison of Croatia and Lithuania, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business, Vol. 4, No. 2, str. 349-364. (ISSN: 1313-2555) (indeksirano u bibliografskoj bazi EBSCO)
23. Podrug, N. (2011) Influence of national culture on decision-making style, The South East European Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 6., No. 1, str. 37-44. (ISSN: 7840/118X) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama EconLit-American Economic Association's electronic database i Business Source Complete)
24. Podrug, N. i Račić, D. (2011) Corporate governance as a learning process: organizational and societal levels, Megatrend revija, Vol. 8., No. 1, str. 95-113. (ISSN: 1820-3159) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences i Business Source Complete EBSCO)
25. Podrug, N. (2011) The Strategic Role of Managerial Stewardship Behaviour for Achieving Corporate Citizenship, Ekonomski pregled, Vol. 62., No. 7-8, str. 404-420. (ISSN: 0424-7558) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Journal of Economic literature, EconLit, Scopus i DOAJ) - 2012 Nagrada za izniman znanstveni doprinos iz područja društvenih znanosti koju dodijeljuje Društvo sveučilišnih nastavnika i drugih znanstvenika u Zagrebu
26. Filipovic, D., Podrug, N. i Cingula, M. (2011) The Role of Cross-border Mergers and Aqcuisitions for Selected European Transition Economies, International Journal of Arts & Sciences, Vol. 4., No. 12, str. 383-396. (ISSN: 1944-6934) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Ulrich's i Cabell's)
27. Podrug, N. (2011) A critique of anti-management theories’ dominance, Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposiums, Vol. 22, No. 1, str. 0799-0800. (ISSN: 1726-9679) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama ISI Proceedings i EBSCO)
28. Podrug, N. (2011) Analiza faktora kredibiliteta unutar funkcije povjerenja, Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Vol. 9, No. 2, str. 229-242. (ISSN: 1333-8900) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Journal of Economic literature, e-JEL, EconLit-American Economic Association's electronic database)
29. Podrug, N. i Burazin, M. (2011) Izazovi teorije uslužnosti u obiteljskim poduzećima, Ekonomska misao i praksa, Vol. 20, No. 2, str. 507-525. (ISSN: 1330-1039) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Journal of Economic Literature, DOAJ - Directory of Open Acess Journals; EBSCO Publishing; CABI; Hrčak; ProQuest)
30. Podrug, N. i Šutalo, M. (2011) Institucionalizacija uslužnosti u suvremenim organizacijama, Ekonomska misao i praksa, Vol. 20, No. 2, str. 527-542. (ISSN: 1330-1039) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Journal of Economic Literature, DOAJ - Directory of Open Acess Journals; EBSCO Publishing; CABI; Hrčak; ProQuest)
31. Filipović, D., Podrug, N., Prester, J. (2012) Cross-border mergers and acquisitions in Southeast Europe: cases from Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria. International Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 14, Issue 3, str. 32-41. (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Cabell Publishing i EBSCO)
32. Podrug, N., Filipović, D., Cvek, T. (2012) Problem kulturološke adaptacije: empirijsko istraživanje potencijalnih ekspatrijata. Sarajevo Business and Economics Review, br. 32, str. 75-94. (indeksirano u bibliografskoj bazi EBSCO)
33. Podrug, N., Filipović, D., Hokman, L. (2012) The contribution of Fons Trompenaars to the research of national culture. Ekonomska misao i praksa, Vol. 21, No. 1, str. 85-96. (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Journal of Economic Literature, DOAJ - Directory of Open Acess Journals; EBSCO Publishing; CABI; Hrčak; ProQuest)
34. Podrug, N. (2012) The role of trust in managerial relations. Journal of Accounting & Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, str. 59-69.
35. Podrug, N., Vrdoljak Raguž, I. i Pavković, I. (2012) Istraživanje primjene bilance postignuća u hrvatskim poduzećima. Ekonomska misao i praksa, Vol. 21, No. 2, str. 693-712. (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Journal of Economic Literature, DOAJ - Directory of Open Acess Journals; EBSCO Publishing; CABI; Hrčak; ProQuest)
36. Podrug, N., Gauta, N. (2013) Komparativna analiza stilova upravljanja konfliktima između Hrvatske i SAD-a. Ekonomski pregled, Vol. 64, No. 2, str. 123-142. (ISSN: 0424-7558) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Journal of Economic literature, EconLit, Scopus i DOAJ)
37. Podrug, N., Pavlić, A. i Kovačić, A. (2014) Dinstinctiveness of self-initiative expatriates. European Journal of Economics and Management, Vol. 1., No. 1., str. 223-233. (ISSN: 1234-5678)
38. Podrug, N., Krišto, M. i Kovač, M. (2014) Cross-cultural adaptation of Croatian expatriates. Ekonomski pregled, Vol. 65., No. 5., str. 453-472. (ISSN: 0424-7558) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Journal of Economic literature, EconLit, Scopus i DOAJ)
39. Podrug, N., Filipović, D. i Stančić, I. (2014) Analysis of cultural differences between Croatia, Brazil, Germany and Serbia. Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, Vol. 21., Iss. 1., str. 818-829. (ISSN: 1848-9664 online) (indeksirano u bibliografskoj bazi Social Sciences Citation Index® Web of Science, Thomson Reuters) - 2015 Nagrada "Mijo Mirković" u kategoriji B 2 - skupni znanstveni članci
40. Podrug, N., Vrdoljak Raguž, I. i Dedić, M. (2015) Comparative analysis of entrepreneurial orientation of Croatian and Swedish students. International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, Vol. 8., No. 3., str. 33-46. (Online ISSN: 2408-0101, Print ISSN: 2408-0098) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama EconLit, EconBiz, EBSCO, RePec, CEEOL, DOAJ, SSRN, PIE; CiteFactor)
41. Dabić, M., Tipurić, D. i Podrug, N. (2015) Cultural differences affecting decision-making style: a comparative study between 4 countries. Journal of Business Economics and Management, Vol. 16., No. 2., str. 275-289. (ISSN: 1611-1699) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Social Sciences Citation Index® Web of Science, Thomson Reuters; Social Scisearch® Web of Science, Thomson Reuters; Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition, Thomson Reuters; EBSCO; ICONDA; SCOPUS; Index Copernicus Journals Master List; Index Copernicus)
42. Podrug, N. i Ajduk, V. (2015) Interpersonalno povjerenje i inovativnost hrvatskih poduzeća. Ekonomski pregled, Vol. 66., No. 1., str. 31-49. (ISSN: 0424-7558) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Journal of Economic literature, EconLit, Scopus i DOAJ)
43. Podrug, N., Filipović, D., Kovač, M. (2017) Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability in Croatian ICT companies. International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 632-644.
44. Filipović, D., Podrug, N., Kandžija, T. (2017) Successful takeovers and internal organizational variables: Experience from Croatia. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 231-248.
45. Filipović, D., Krišto, M., Podrug, N. (2018) Impact of crisis situations on development of business continuity management in Croatia. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, Vol. 23, No. 1, str. 99-122.
46. Podrug, N., Filipović, D., Bošnjak, M. (2018) Autonomija međunarodnih podružnica u inovativnoj farmaceutskoj industriji u Republici Hrvatskoj. Notitia-časopis za održivi razvoj, Vol. 4., No. 4., str. 9-23.  
47. Kovač, M., Filipović, D., Podrug, N. (2019) Partikularnosti strateškog upravljanja međunarodnim podružnicama. Ekonomski pregled, Vol. 70., No. 3., str. 529-553.
48. Podrug, N., Brezović, A., Filipović, D. (2020) Odnos dimenzija nacionalne kulture i jasnoće uloga na poslu. Ekonomska misao i praksa, Vol. 29, No. 2, str. 471-488.
49. Podrug, N., Kovač, M., Filipović, D. (2021) Subsidiary contribution to the MNC - impact of strategic initiatives. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2021.1965001
50. Gašpar, M., Podrug, N. i Aleksić, A. (2023) The significance of cross-cultural barriers in organizational communication. Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci, Vol. 11., No. 1., str. 235-246. 
51. Fagač, D., Podrug, N i Vrdoljak Raguž, I. (2024) The position of women in supervisory boards and the relationship with business results of large companies in Republic of Croatia, DIEM: Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting, str. 1-9. 
52. Markasović, D., Podrug, N. i Aleksić Fredotović, A. (2024) Global Leading and Competencies of Global Leaders. Naše gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 70 (1), 50-60.  
1. Osmanagić-Bedenik, N., Prester, J. i Podrug, N. (2004) Innovations in Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 3rd DAAAM International Conference on «Advanced Technologies for Developing Countries» ATDC´04, str. 415-420. (ISSN: 1726-9679)
2. Osmanagić-Bedenik, N., Škrtić, M. i Podrug, N. (2004) SME in Croatia - State of the Arts, International Conference on small and medium sized enterprises: strenghts - weaknesses - opportunities - threats, objavljeno u The Modern Business Function and Environment, Veloutsou, C. i Papanikos, G. T. ur., str. 609-618. (ISBN 960-88331-9-1)
3. Osmanagić-Bedenik, N., Prester, J. i Podrug, N. (2005) Manufacturing strategies and structures in Croatia, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on „Enterprise in transition”, Faculty of Economics Split, (CD-ROM with full text), str. 841-854. (ISBN: 953-6024-70-5)
4. Osmanagić-Bedenik, N., Škrtić, M. i Podrug, N. (2005) SME in Croatia in Time from 1990 till Now, Selected Proceedings of The First International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, Yasar University, Vol. 4, str. 223-238. (ISBN: 975-6339-03-9)
5. Pavičić, J., Vlašić, G. i Podrug, N. (2005) Internet as a Marketing Communications Media for Nonprofit Organizations: The Case of Croatia, International Conference IPSI, (CD-ROM with full text) (ISBN: 86-7466-117-3)
6. Podrug, N., Pavičić, J. i Bratić, V. (2006) Cross-Cultural Comparison of Hofstede's Dimensions and Decision Making-Style within CEE Context, Proceedings of the ICES 3rd International Conference „From Transition to Sustainable Development: The Path to European Integration“, School of Economics and Business Sarajevo, (CD-ROM with full text) (ISBN: 9958-605-90-2)
7. Bilas, V., Ćenan, D. i Podrug, N. (2007) The Problems Associated with Managerial International Joint Venture in Croatia, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks, Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University, (book with abstracts)
8. Prester, J. i Podrug, N. (2010) Cooperation of Croatian manufacturing companies: Results from EMIS 2008 study, Proceedings of the 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, (CD-ROM with full text) (ISBN: 978-972-99847-3-0)
9. Filipović, D., Podrug, N. i Bujanović, H. (2011) Mergers and acquisition: the case of Croatia, The 5th International Scientific Conference ''Enterpreneurship and Macroeconomic Management: Reflections on the World in Turmoil'', (CD-ROM with full text)
10. Podrug, N. (2011) Uloga povjerenja u menadžerskim relacijama, Zbornik radova konferencije “Računovodstvo i menadžment” - svezak 1 (znanstveni radovi), str. 211-220. (ISBN: 978-953-96838-9-2)
11. Prester, J. i Podrug, N. (2011) Innovation management in Croatian manufacturing SMEs, International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Education, Innovations ENEDIN 2011, str. 238-252. (ISBN: 978-961-6802-05-5)
12. Prester, J. i Podrug, N. (2011) Best Practices of High Performers: Results from GMRG 4.0 Survey Research, Conference Proceedings of 3rd International Science Conference "Knowledge and Business Challenge of Globalization in 2011". Celje, Slovenia, str. 178-195. (ISBN: 978-961-6825-41-2)
13. Podrug, N., Filipović, D. i Cvek, T. (2011) Crucial expatriate personality traits for successful acculturation, Conference Proceedings of 3rd International Science Conference "Knowledge and Business Challenge of Globalization in 2011". Celje, Slovenia, str. 630-637. (ISBN: 978-961-6825-41-2)
14. Podrug, N., Filipović, D., Bunčić, P. (2012) Analiza izabranih kriterija selekcije ekspatrijata, Accounting and management 13th International Scientific and Professional Conference - Conference Proceedings, Zagreb, Croatia, str. 109-119. (ISBN: 978-953-7828-01-1)
15. Podrug, N., Daraboš, M. i Semren, J. (2013) Managing Foreign Subsidiaries in French Multinational Corporations, Economic and Social Development Book of Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference (Filipović, D. & Goltnik Urnaut, A., eds.), Paris, France, str. 701-710. (ISBN: 978-961-6825-73-3) - plenarno izlaganje
16. Daraboš, M., Filipović, D. i Podrug, N. (2013) Corporate Strategy Implementation Modes: Analysis of Large Croatian Corporations. Proceedings of the First International OFEL conference on Corporate Governance - Organizational, Financial, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Corporate Governance. Dubrovnik, 12 April 2013., str. 630-637. (ISBN: 978-953-57413-1-2)
17. Jelenc, L., Vrdoljak Raguž, I. i Podrug, N. (2013) The Transformations in Coaching. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Management, marketing, Tourism, Retail, Finance and Computer Applications MATREFC ’13. Dubrovnik, 25-27 June 2013., str. 171-175. (ISBN: 978-960-474-306-3)
18. Podrug, N., Vrdoljak Raguž, I. i Ražnjević, M. (2013) Implementation of crisis strategies in Croatian companies. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Management, marketing, Tourism, Retail, Finance and Computer Applications MATREFC ’13. Dubrovnik, 25-27 June 2013., str. 23-28. (ISBN: 978-960-474-306-3)
19. Filipović, D., Podrug, N. i Frinčić, T. (2013) Strategic analysis of Croatian brewing industry. Proceedings of 5th International Science Conference "Knowledge and Business Challenge of Globalization", Celje, Slovenia, November 14th - 15th, str. 39-49. (ISBN 978-961-6825-82-5).
20. Filipović, D., Podrug, N. i Rudan, Ž. (2013) Differentiation strategy and competitive advantage of luxury hotels in Croatia. Proceedings of 5th International Science Conference "Knowledge and Business Challenge of Globalization". Celje, Slovenia, November 14th - 15th, str. 269-274. (ISBN 978-961-6825-82-5)
21. Podrug, N., Filipović, D. i Prša, I. (2013) Analysis of the development of organizational citizenship behavior. Proceedings of 5th International Science Conference "Knowledge and Business Challenge of Globalization". Celje, Slovenia, November 14th - 15th, str. 600-606. (ISBN 978-961-6825-82-5)
22. Podrug, N., Vrdoljak Raguž, I. i Kovač, M. (2014) The impact of national culture on decision making style of Croatian and German managers, Proceedings of the Business Systems Laboratory - 2nd International Symposium „Systems Thinking for a Sustainable Economy. Advancements in Economic and Managerial Theory and Practice“, Universitas Mercatorum, Rome, January 23-24, 2014. (ISBN: 9788890824203)
23. Vrdoljak Raguž, I., Podrug, N. i Kovačić, A. (2014) The Challenges of Self-initiated Expatriates, Proceedings of the Second International OFEL conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneuship, Dubrovnik, 4-5  April 2014., str. 617-627. (ISBN: 978-953-57413-4-3)
24. Prester, J., Podrug, N. i Daraboš, M. (2014) Innovation climate as a source of competitive advantage, Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (Filipović, I., Klačmer Čalopa, M. & Galetić, F., eds.), New York, SAD, str. 250-258. (ISBN: 978-953-6125-12-8) - objavljen i u posebnom izdanju Journal of Economic and Social Development (JESD), Vol. 2, No. 1, 2015, str. 25-33.
25. Prester, J., Daraboš, M. i Podrug, N. (2015) Innovation and intellectual capital. 22nd EurOMA Conference Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness. Neuchatel, Switzerland, June 26 - July 1, 2015. (ISBN: 978-2-9700901-2-0), IPS-01_32556., str. 1-10.
26. Tipurić, D., Podrug, N., i Daraboš, M. (2015) Strategic orientation of multinational corporations in hypercompetitive environment. Proceedings of the 2nd Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting DIEM 2015 "Innovation, Leadership & Entrepreneurship Challenges of Modern Economy", Dubrovnik 01-03 October 2015, pp. 582-595. (ISSN 1849-3645, E-ISSN 1849-5206)
27. Sopta, M. i Podrug, N. (2016) Managerial discretion and internal financing in Croatian joint stock companies, Proceedings of the Fourth International OFEL conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneuship, Dubrovnik, 15-16 April 2016., str. 343-354. (ISBN: 978-953-8079-01-6 CD) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama EconBiz, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, British Library Collection)
28. Prester, J., Podrug, N., Daraboš, M. (2016) Four-Component Model of Intellectual Capital and Its Impact on Process and Product Innovations, Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Intellectual Capital, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy, 12-13 May 2016, str. 206-214. (ISBN: 987-1-910810-89-7)
29. Prester, J., Podrug, N. i Daraboš, M. (2016) Materials saving strategies, technologies and effects on ROS. ICETIRED 2016: 18th International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Technology, Innovation and Regional Economic Development, New York, USA, 6-7 June, str. 489-494. (E ISSN: 2010-3778)
30. Tipurić, D., Filipović, D. i Podrug, N. (2018) Comparative Analysis of Cross-Border M&As in EU and Republic of Croatia in period 2013-2017. Proceedings of the Sixth International OFEL conference on Governance, Management and Enterpreneurship, Dubrovnik, 13-14 April 2018., str. 166-176. (ISSN: 2459-6442 CD) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama EconBiz, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, British Library Collection)
31. Grgić, K., Filipović, D., Podrug, N. (2018) Analysis of cross-border acquisitions of family-owned companies in the Republic of Croatia. Proceedings of the 33rd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - Managerial Issues in Modern Business, Warsaw, Poland, 26-27 September, str. 424-433. (ISSN CD-ROM 1849-6903; ISSN Online 1849-7535)
32. Šušak, S., Filipović, D., Podrug, N. (2019) Women's challenges in managerial positions: comparison of Croatia and USA. Proceedings of the 38th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Rabat, 21-22 March, str. 96-105. (ISSN CD-ROM 1849-6903; ISSN Online 1849-7535)
33. Bugarin, K., Filipović, D., Podrug, N. (2020) Analysis of acquisition success in hotel industry of the Republic of Croatia. Proceedings of the 52nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Porto, Portugal, 16-17 April, pp. 36-43.  
34. Podrug, N. (2021) Strategic challenges of transnational corporations from emerging markets. Proceedings of the 68th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-25 May, pp. 85-92.  
35. Podrug, N. (2021) Shifts in internationalization of multinational corporations. Proceedings of the 69th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Dubai, 03 June, pp. 89-96.
36.  Pavetić, S., Aleksić, A. i Podrug, N. (2023) Remote Work Culture: Literature Review. Proceedings of the 92nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Bangkok, 23-24 February, pp. 58-67.  

1. Osmanagić-Bedenik, N., Prester, J. i Podrug, N. (2006) Inovacije u proizvodnji u knjizi Balič, J., Veža, I., Čuš, F. (ur.) Napredni proizvodni sistemi, Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje, Split i Fakulteta za strojništvo, Maribor, str. 1-20. (ISBN: 86-435-07768)
2. Tipurić, D. i Podrug N. (2008) Teorija uslužnosti u knjizi Tipurić, D. (ur.) Korporativno upravljanje, Zagreb: Sinergija, str. 139-162. (ISBN: 953-689-36-6) - 2008 Nagrada "Mijo Mirković" za znanstveni rad koji predstavlja izvoran doprinos znanosti
3. Galetić, L., Podrug, N. i Hruška, D. (2010) Speed of Technology Adaptation in Connection to Organizational Change and Ownership Concentration: Study in Croatia u knjizi Godara, V. (ed.) Pervasive Computing for Business: Trends and Applications, Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global publication, str. 147-166. (ISBN: 9781605669960)
4. Tipurić, D. i Podrug N. (2011) Promjene menadžmenta iz perspektive teorije uslužnosti u knjizi Tipurić, D. (ur.) Promjene vrhovnog menadžmenta i korporativno upravljanje, Zagreb: Sinergija, str. 381-408. (ISBN: 978-953-6895-43-4)
5. Podrug, N. (2011) Dizajniranje organizacije u međunarodnoj okolini u knjizi Galetić, L. (ur.) Organizacija velikih poduzeća, Zagreb: Sinergija, str. 321-362. (ISBN: 978-953-6895-45-8)
6. Dabić, M., Gonzalez-Loureiro, M. i Podrug, N. (2012) Entrepreneurships’ needs: an intangible and networked approach to the theory of entrepreneurship u: Dabić, M. (ed.) Do We Need The Entrepreneurial University? A Triple Helix Perspective, Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, str. 1-31. (ISBN: 978-953-6025-58-9)
7. Tipurić, D. i Podrug, N. (2012) Top management turnover from stewardship theory perspective. u: Tipurić, D. & Dabić, M. (eds.) Management, Governance, and Entrepreneurship. New Perspectives and Challenges, Lancashire: Access Press UK, str. 342-362. (ISBN: 978-0-9562471-7-9)
8. Podrug, N. (2014) Corporate Governance Challenges - Theoretical Exploration. u: Tipurić, D., Vrdoljak Raguž, I. i Podrug, N., eds. (2014) Rethinking Corporate Governance. Harlow: Pearson, str. 37-44. (ISBN: 978-1-78273-686-8)
9. Tipurić, D., Podrug, N. i Nedić Pleteš, M. (2014) Proces strateškog menadžmenta: Europapier Adria d.o.o. u: Gonan Božac, M. i Tipurić, D. (ur.) Poslovni slučajevi iz strateškog menadžmenta. Zagreb: Sinergija, str. 305-320. (ISBN: 978-953-6895-55-7)
10. Podrug, N., Filipović, D. i Kuveždić, M. (2016) Multinational Corporations: The Changing Strategic Orientation in the Twenty-First Century. u: Vrdoljak Raguž, I., Podrug, N. i Jelenc, L., eds. Neostrategic Management: An International Perspective on Trends and Challenges. Heidelberg: Springer, str. 139-158. (ISBN:  978-3-319-18184-4)
11. Prester, J., Podrug, N. i Tipurić, D. (2016) Manufacturing Strategies in Selected European Countries. u: Vrdoljak Raguž, I., Podrug, N. i Jelenc, L., eds. Neostrategic Management: An International Perspective on Trends and Challenges. Heidelberg: Springer, str. 173-188. (ISBN:  978-3-319-18184-4)
12. Šimić Banović, R. i Podrug, N. (2016) Prevladavajuće vrijednosti u hrvatskome poslovnom okruženju: približavamo li se Zapadu?. u: Sekulić, D. (ur.) Vrijednosti u hrvatskom društvu. Zagreb: Centar za demokraciju i pravo Miko Tripalo, str. 221-254. (ISBN: 978-953-56875-6-6)
1. Mikić, M., Orsag, S., Pološki Vokić, N., Švaljek, S. (2011), Ekonomski leksikon, Zagreb: Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža i Masmedia - suradnica za pojmove iz menadžmenta (ISBN: 978-953-268-013-3)
2. Podrug, N. (2012) Prikaz knjige: Izazovi integracijskih procesa: rast poduzeća putem spajanja, preuzimanja i strateških saveza, Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Vol. 10, No. 2, str. 193-194. (ISSN: 1333-8900) (indeksirano u bibliografskim bazama Journal of Economic literature, e-JEL, EconLit-American Economic Association's electronic database)
3. Podrug, N. i Vrdoljak Raguž, I. (2015) Professor Buble's contribution to the development of international management. u: The life and work of Professor Emeritus Marin Buble, MANAGEMENT - Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, Vol. 20 - Special Issue, str. 63-65. (ISSN: 1331-0194) 
GOSTUJUĆA UREDNICA UTMS Journal of Economics Vol. 7 No. 2.  (detaljnije vidjeti: https://utmsjoe.mk/index.php/2-uncategorised/29-volume-7-number-2)