(2) market freedoms and restrictions,
(3) competition law and intellectual property,
(4) company law and corporate governance,
(5) international trade,
(6) international private and public law.
Purpose of the journal is to: promote scientific research activities in these fields, create high-quality base for further study of the above mentioned areas especially for students and young scientists, encourage cross-border business activities and cooperation, introduce the wider public with the rules and opportunities of doing business in the European Union and to achieve long-term scientific contribution in the field of European and international law and economics.
The journal is primarily addressed to the academic community, researchers and students of postgraduate programmes and to general public, experts and professionals who are facing the issues of cross-border activities and operations within the European Union internal market and the international market in general in their business activities daily.
The Journal was established in the 2014 within the Tempus project European and International Law Master Program Development in Eastern Europe No. 544117 - TEMPUS -1-2013-1- HR - TEMPUS - JPCR. Since the end of the project in 2017 the Journal is authonomous and as such represents one of the long-term scientific contribution of the project. Currently the Journal is funded with financial support from the publisher - Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb. It is published twice a year, in June and December, in both printed and electronic edition, and allows the open access to published papers.
The Journal collects the papers from the area of Law and Economics, with an emphasize in International Law, Law of European Union and economic and legal aspects of market integrations. It accepts papers that were written within the project activities (presented at scientific conferences) and papers of the other interested authors which were evaluated as a permanent contribution in researching and studying the named topics which will be held at master programmes established by the project. As well as papers that are evaluated as a scientific contribution to named areas of research in general. Also, it accepts papers that are evaluated as a scientific contribution to named areas of research in general.
All submitted papers are subject to double-blinded review and are classified either as original scientific papers, preliminary communications, review articles or professional papers.
All the papers are published in English (which is official communication language of the Journal).
The Journal seeks to promote and enforce the best academic and ethical standards and practices by adopting Publication ethics & malpractice statement based on the COPE Guidelines on good publication practice.