INTEREULAWEAST Journal for International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations is scientific journal which collects and publishes papers in the fields of law and economics with an international focus. The Journal mainly covers the following topics: Legal and economic aspects of European Union and other market integrations, Market freedoms and restrictions, Competition law and intellectual property, Company law and corporate governance, Legal and economic aspects of international trade, International private and public law and other related topics.
The Journal is published by higher education and academic institution - University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business.
Purpose of the Journal is to promote scientific research activities in law and economics, create high-quality base for further study of the aforementioned areas, encourage cross-border business activities and cooperation, introduce the wider public with the rules and opportunities of doing business in the EU and to achieve long-term scientific contribution in the field of European and international law and economics.
The publisher, editors and supporting staff are aware of the importance of academic ethics, rectitude and integrity of all the involved parties in order for the Journal to achieve and promote its purpose. Therefore, to achieve the highest publishing standards among all the involved parties, the following Publication ethics and malpractice statement (PEMS) was composed, published and enforced.
- The following Publication ethics and malpractice statement (hereinafter: PEMS) are composed, published and enforced in order to achieve the highest publishing standards. The PEMS are based on and aligned with Committee of Publication Ethics' (COPE) Guidelines on good publication practice.
- This PEMS shall apply to publisher, editors, authors, reviewers and other parties who are directly or indirectly involved in publishing of INTEREULAWEAST Journal and its contents.
- In the interpretation of this PEMS, regard is to be had to COPE Guidelines on good publication practice.
- Questions concerning matters governed by this PEMS which are not expressly settled in it are to be settled in conformity with the COPE Guidelines on good publication practice.
1. By submitting papers for publication in the INTEREULAWEAST Journal authors agrees to the following:
- Submitted paper is result of the original work of the one or more persons designated as authors. Authorship includes only those persons who have significantly contributed to the research. Other persons who might have helped prepare the paper (e.g. proofreading, formatting, preparing literature for research etc.) should be only mentioned in acknowledgement.
- Submitted paper hasn’t been previously published, wholly or partly in other publications.
- Research is based on real, accurate and verifiable data. Authors are obliged to provide explanations and information on the research data, data-sets or raw data and its source upon the request of the editor in chief.
- Authors responsibility are to honor the copyright of the used resources in a manner of proper acknowledgement of literature and obtaining permission for content such as images, graphs, tables, data sets etc.
- There is no conflict of interest which would violate general principles of objective scientific research. The submitted papers must not be instructed by third parties, for a fee or free of charge, in order to promote and support any business or political organization, cause or activity. Authors are invited to provide all information on the funding sources of their research.
- The paper wasn’t plagiarized or self-plagiarized in any part. By submitting the paper, authors agree to plagiarism check by corresponding software.
- Submitted paper should be composed and formatted in accordance with the Instructions for Authors.
- Submitted paper is the subject to the double-blind peer-review process.
2. Authors are obliged to cooperate with the editors in peer-review process. If needed, authors will provide corrections of errors or inaccuracy or provide counter-argument to reviewers’ comments.
3. INTEREULAWEAST Journal will not charge any fees or expenses to the authors for proceeding, reviewing, technical editing, storing, printing or any other actions concerning the publishing procedure of the submitted papers.
- All submitted papers should be written in compliance with the Instructions for the Authors in the manner of language, composition, form and citation rules. Submitted manuscripts will be examined by the editorial board and will be rejected without further processing if the topic of the manuscript exceeds the scientific fields covered by the Journal or the manuscript is not in compliance with this Instructions regarding minimal content, required form and / or required referencing style. Manuscripts rejected for the formal reasons may be revised and resubmitted.
- All the manuscripts that passed preliminary examination are subject to plagiarism check by corresponding software.
- After plagiarism check all the manuscripts (except conference or books reviews) are subject to the double-blinded review which is ensured by removing author’s data before sending the paper to reviewers. The papers with the positive review will be published and classified either as original scientific paper, preliminary communication, review article or professional paper.
- The Journal will ensure to engage experts in the area covered by the submitted paper for its review. All the peer-reviews shall be written on the peer-review form provided by the publisher.
- The peer-reviewers shall fulfill the task objectively and indifferently and solely based on professional, scientific and ethical standards. Peer-reviewers are obliged to maintain confidentiality of any data or findings expressed in the paper. They will sustain of any unethical usage of the data or findings supplied in the paper for their own benefit or the benefit of third parties. Peer-reviewers are obliged to point out any possible conflict of interest before accepting the task and retreat from the peer-review procedure.
- In the case of discrepancies in the reviews the Journal editor in chief withholds the right to make a final decision on publishing if appropriate or to engage third independent peer-reviewer if needed. In such cases editor in chief will fulfill the task objectively and indifferently and solely based on professional, scientific and ethical standards. All the aforementioned responsibilities of the peer-reviewer shall apply to the editor in chief.
- The peer-review shall be done in accordance with the guidelines for the reviewers, classification guidelines and should be submitted by the paper review form.
- Authors are entitled to the fulfilled peer-review form of their paper. Editor in chief will ensure that the peer-reviewer’s personal data is undisclosed.
1. Publisher and editors shall ensure the following:
- The equal publication procedure for every submitted paper that meets the Journal’s standards.
- Publisher, editor in chief, co-editor, members of editorial board, technical staff and reviewers shall fulfill their tasks objectively and indifferently and solely based on professional, scientific and ethical standards. They shall sustain from any discriminatory actions against the authors on grounds of gender, sexual 5 orientation, religious or political commitments, ethnics or geographical origins or nationality.
- Assessment of the submitted papers exclusively on the objective criteria and in accordance with the basic standards and rules of the profession.
- All reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where plagiarism or any other form of scientific misconduct or malpractice has occurred, including the use of anti-plagiarism software, engagement of the recognized experts in the field as reviewers, proceeding the malpractice complaints from the third parties.
- To sustain of encouraging scientific misconduct or malpractice or to knowingly allow such misconduct or malpractice to take place.
- If appropriate publish the corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies. g. The rejected and unpublished papers won’t be misused by editors or publisher in any circumstances.
2. All the decisions of the editor in chief, co-editor, editorial board and other technical staff shall be based exclusively on objective scientific, academic and technical standards.
3. Publisher and Journal’s partners shall sustain from any influence regarding the content of the Journal for any commercial or political reasons.
4. Statements and opinions expressed in the articles and communications herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily reflect those of the editor in chief, co-editor, editorial board or publisher. Journal encourages scholarly freedom based on scientific methodology.
- Authors retain the copyright on the papers published in the Journal, but grant the right of the first publication to the Journal.
- Editorial board shall accept for consideration exclusively previously unpublished papers. The authors are granted the right to self-archive post-print or publisher’s versions of the manuscripts on their personal web pages, in institutional or thematic repositories or scientific social media platforms.
- By submitting the paper, the author authorizes the publisher to make the paper and its metadata available and freely accessible on the electronic repositories and databases of their choice.
- The full texts of papers published in the INTEREULAWEAST Journal can be used free of charge for personal and educational purposes while respecting authors and publishers’ copyrights, strictly in accordance with the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
1. If it affirms that authors, peer-reviewers, publisher, editors or other involved parties have committed any form of scientific or ethical misconduct, the appropriate actions will be taken.
- Every person may report the scientific misconduct of any involved persons by e-mail to the editorial office. The complaint should contain general info on the claimant, point out the person being charged for scientific misconduct and if possible point out the paper which is result of scientific misconduct, brief description of scientific misconduct and, if possible, evidences of misconduct.
- Editor in chief will examine all the circumstances of the complaint and collect all the necessary evidences by proper means. The editor in chief shall contact the claimants within three months from receiving the complaint and inform them whether the complaint was justified or not along with the explanations.
- In the case of conflict of interests, the editor in chief will retreat from the procedure and appoint co-editor to run the procedure.
1. If the complaint is justified, depending on the severity of the scientific misconduct, the following actions may be taken:
- Informing or educating authors or peer-reviewers on the scientific misconduct with the request to redo their task in compliance with this PEMS.
- Withdrawal unpublished paper from the publishing or discharging and appointing the new peer-reviewer for the individual paper.
- Publishing of appropriate notice, corrigendum, erratum or formal article retraction disclosed in print and electronic versions of the Journal.
1. The Journal is published twice a year, in June and December.
2. The journal is published in both printed and electronic edition. The content of both editions shall be identical.
- The editorial board is entitled to publish additional special issues of the Journal or to publish one of the regular issues in June and December or as a special thematic issue.
- Special thematic issues will be published if there is a need to cover any current topic that enters the field of the Journal or to cover the Conference or similar scientific assembly that is of interest for a Journal.
- All the manuscripts submitted to the special thematic issues will be threated, processed and evaluated as the manuscripts submitted to regular issue, without taking into account any evaluation, consideration, peer-review etc. given previously and independently of the Journal.
- The electronic edition of the Journal and full version of papers shall be accessible free of charge.
- Basic archiving platform and a lending page for DOI of the individual papers is HRČAK - Portal of scientific journals of Croatia as well as articles DOI landing page.
- HRČAK is maintained by University Computing Center SRCE, which takes care of the permanent accessibility and the permanent preservation of all stored papers, and ensures interoperability with other databases that automatically harvest metadata and full papers.
- The papers published in the Journal remain permanently stored on the HRČAK even in the event of a Journal termination - or change of title or the publisher.
- The content published on HRČAK is permanently stored in the National and University Library in the digital Croatian web archive HAW, which serves for the curation of Internet content from the Croatian domain.