InterEULawEast (Tempus, 2013. - 2017.)

European and International Law Master Programme Development in Eastern Europe - InterEULawEast (TEMPUS 544117)

U okviru Katedre za poslovno pravo prof. dr. sc. Hana Horak je koordinator i nositelj međunarodnog projekta "European and International Law Master Programme Development in Eastern Europe - InterEULawEast" kojeg financira EACEA (Izvršna agencija za obrazovanje, audiovizualnu politiku i kulturu Europske komisije) iz programa Tempus. U projektu sudjeluje devet sveučilišta iz pet različitih država. Projekt omogućava potporu aktivnostima za razvoj obrazovnog procesa, metoda učenja i znanstveno-istraživačkog rada kod akademskog osoblja i studenata te suradnju između partnerskih sveučilišta. Temeljni cilj projekta je unaprijeđenje poslijediplomskih studija u partnerskim institucijima izvan EU. U okviru projekta pokrenut je i znanstveni časopis "InterEULawEast - Journal for the International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations" koji je indeksiran u bazama podataka ProQuest i HeinOnline.

U okviru projekta do sad je održano nekoliko znanstvenih i stručnih skupova: četiri međunarodne znanstvene konferencije "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences", od kojih je prva održana u Mariboru (14.2.2014.), druga u Kazanu (13.-14.11.2014.), treća u Zagrebu (21.-23.3.2016.), a četvrta u Mariboru (4.-5.7.2016.); te napredna međunarodna ljetna škola "Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law" (23.-28.6.2014.) u zagrebačkom Tempus centru koji je otvoren pri Ekonomskom fakultetu - Zagreb. Nadalje, uz provedbu gostujućih predavanja znanstvenika iz EU na partnerskim sveučilištima izvan EU u Zagrebu je 13.2.2014. održan i prvi sastanak sa studentima.

Više o projektu na poveznici: InterEULawEast.



Round Table „20 Years of Application of the Companies Act in Interdisciplinary Context“ held at Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb

On 29th January 2015 Department of Law, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb organised Round Table „20 Years of Application of the Companies Act in Interdisciplinary Context“ . Introductory speech was given by Professor Nataša Erjavec, Vice-Dean for Science and Post-diploma Studies. Vice-dean stressed importance of interdisciplinarity of high-education as well as importance of the Companies Act for preparation of future economists for labour market. Host of the event, Professor Hana Horak stressed recent novelties in Croatian Company Law in context of harmonisation with European Company Law. This event gathered more than 40 participants: judges of commercial courts, attorneys-at-law and corporate  lawyers. The participants discussed contemporary issues of application of the Companies Act as regards audit processes, corporate governance, cross-border restructuring, supranational company forms, execution of shareholders' rights as well as the role of sole traders and simple private limited liability companies in modern Croatian Company Law.





We are pleased to invite you to the Round table: 20 years of application of Croatian Companies Act which will take place on 29th of January 2015, at Venue 7, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb.
On this occasion, at the Tempus Centre Zagreb, the Faculty of Economics & Business will be promoting the activities of Tempus project INTEREULAWEAST. The aim of the round table is to disseminate the activities and role of the Tempus Centre Zagreb among lawyers, judges, legal practitioners, auditors and accountants. The purpose is also to build up the network within the labour market and to detect the needs of the contemporary business practice. Networking among participants and their exchange of views are meant to lead to better understanding and to raise awareness of the business regulatory framework. The round table programme is available here.




In order to ensure sustainability within WP. 8. team of Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb has started with activities concerning dissemination of project results for wider public. The promotion of European Market Law Handbook vol.1. took place in Tempus centre Zagreb on 27th of November 2014. for students and exchange students from European countries. Lecture and presentation was given for students of European Market Law and European Company Law. Among others diplomatic representatives of project’s partner countries, Russia and Ukraine were invited.




We are pleased to inform you that the online edition of the European Market Law Handbook vol. 1 by authors: Hana Horak, Kosjenka Dumančić, Kristijan Poljanec and Dominik Vuletić has been published. The paperback edition is expected to be published by the end of the October 2014.


The handbook is a joint publication of Voronezh State University, Faculty of Law and University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business. It is divided into two parts. The first part makes a great learning and training source for the database research on the EU Law while the second part gives a concise overview  of the most relevant cases of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the field of European Market Law with authors comments.


The online edition of the handbook is hosted by the Library of Faculty of Economics & Business, Zagreb and is freely accessable trough the web pages of the Tempus centres in Zagreb, Odessa and Voronezh as well as from the publications section of INTEREULAWEAST project webpage.

Click here to access the Handbook.



We are glad to inform You that InterEULawEast Journal for the International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations has been indexed in EBSCO Index Business Source Complete. Please bear in mind when preparing articles for our Journal that the articles should be in line with Instructions for the Authors and high academic standards due to the fact that each number has to be improved.