
ISSN: 0353-4790
area: marketing
first issue: 1989
frequency: semi-annually
indexing: SCOPUS, WOS ESCI, EBSCO Publishing,
EconLit, ProQuest ABI/INFORM, CEEOL, RePEc, DOAJ, Index Copernicus International, Cabell's International, CEJSH, ERIH PLUS


MARKET-TRŽIŠTE is the official journal of the Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, Marketing Department and CROMAR (Croatian marketing association). The first issue was published in 1989 and between then and 2005, it was exclusively the official CROMAR journal. The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Marketing Department joined as a co-publisher in 2006. The journal has been published twice a year in continuity.

In the course of 36 years, Market-Tržište has followed development trends of the marketing science and its practical application. It publishes papers on any topic in the field of marketing. Any interdisciplinary papers (whose topics have to include marketing) are also welcome.

Here you will find 
TOC from current issueinstructions for authors and subscription information. Full-text archive is available at the portal of scientific journals of Croatia "Hrčak".


Starting with its first issue in 2011, leading Croatian scientific marketing journal Market-Tržište is included in the SCOPUS (Elsevier) secondary publications database. The journal's indexing in SCOPUS is in line with an important part of its mission, that is the inclusion in relevant international secondary publications and information databases. Further efforts to raise the journal's international acclaim will add more value for potential authors and expand its reach among audiences. 


Current SJR 2023 

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Web of Science

2023 Journal Impact Factor: 0.4

Rank by Journal Citation Indicator (JCI)

2023 277/302 Q4

Source: Journal Citation Reports, 2024

General information

General information about the Market-Tržište can be found in the journal presentation (PDF).

Articles submitted to the Market-Tržište journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form, or be under consideration for publication with another journal. All submitted research papers and articles will be checked for originality using a plagiarism detection software iThenticate.

Information about article processing fee

Market-Tržište does not have article processing fee/charges (APCs).
Market-Tržište does not have article submission fee/charges.

All content is published in open access for non-commercial purposes, users are allowed to copy and redistribute the material, transform, and build upon the material as long as they cite the source.
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License