OECD Webinar on Improving Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in Croatia

As part of the Fair market Conditions for Competitiveness in the Adriatic Region project, we would like to inform you about an OECD Webinar on Risk Management and Control Environment of State-Owned Enterprises in Croatia, which will take place on the 04 November, 2021 | 09h-13h (CET).

For more information on the event and registration link, please consult the invitation enclosed (Hrvatska verzija u nastavku).

(Hrvatska verzija u nastavku)

 4 November 2021 |OECD Virtual meeting |  09.00-13.00 (CET/CEST)


We  are  pleased  to  invite  you  to  our  webinar  on  “Risk Management and Control Environment of State-Owned Enterprises” on 4 November 2021. This workshop is the last part in a series of three training events foreseen within the framework of an OECD/EU project aiming at enhancing the performance of Croatia’s SOEs through better governance practices.  It aims at responding to some of Croatia’s most pressing corporate governance issues as identified by the  Review of the Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in Croatia, which was published earlier this year: namely the effectiveness of SOEs’ internal control systems and the establishment of independent audit committees in SOEs, amongst other aspects.

An agenda will be shared with all invitees within the next few days.

Simultaneous interpretation Croatian-English/English-Croatian will be provided throughout the meeting.
The event is organised by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Croatia’s Ministry  of  Physical  Planning,  Construction  and  State  States  with  the  financial  support  of  the  Directorate General  for  Structural  Reform  Support  (DG  REFORM)  of  the  European  Commission.  It is guided by best international practices, including the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State- Owned Enterprises (available in Croatian).
Please REGISTER in advance and no later than Wednesday 3 November. This invitation can be shared with relevant stakeholders who may register individually using the link above (ex. Supervisory Board and Management Board members, members of audit committees, as well as civil servants and other persons involved in risk management and/or internal and external control of SOEs etc). Participation will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you there!



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 4 Studeni 2021 |OECD Virtualni sastanak |  09.00-13.00 (CET/CEST)


Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati vas na webinar pod nazivom “Upravljanje rizicima i sustav kontrole u državnim poduzećima” dana 4. studenog 2021. godine. Ovaj webinar je posljednji od tri webinara koji su predviđeni u sklopu OECD/EU projekta čiji je cilj jačanje efikasnosti poslovanja državnih poduzeća kroz bolje prakse korporativnog upravljanja. Cilj ovog webinara je odgovoriti na neke od najvećih nedostataka koji su identificirani OECD-ovom pregledu korporativnog upravljanja u poduzećima u državnom vlasništvu u Hrvatskoj, a koji je javno predstavljen u lipnju ove godine: konkretnije, učinkovitost internih kontrola u državnim poduzećima, uspostava neovisnih revizijskih odbora itd.

Dnevni red biti će dostavljen u sljedećim danima.

Simultani prijevod hrvatsko-engleski/englesko-hrvatski biti će osiguran.

Radionicu organizira Organizacija za ekonomsku suradnju i razvoj (OECD) i Ministarstvo prostornoga uređenja, graditeljstva i državne imovine uz financijsku potporu Glavne direkcije za potporu strukturnim reformama  (DG  REFORM) Europske komisije. Biti će vođena najboljim međunarodnim praksama, uključujući  OECD Smjernice za korporativno upravljanje u državnim poduzećima (dostupne na hrvatskom).
Molimo vas REGISTRIRAJTE se unaprijed, a najkasnije do srijede 3. studenog. Ova se pozivnica odnosi na relevantne dionike koji se mogu registrirati koristeći poveznicu iznad (članovi nadzornih odbora, uprava, revizijskih odbora, stručnjaci za internu kontrolu, upravljanje rizicima kao i zainteresirani službenicima u državnim tijelima i sl.). Nakon registracije primit će te e-mail potvrdu koja će sadržavati informacije o pristupu radionici.

Radujemo se vašem dolasku! 


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