The fourth LTT activity was successfully held within the DIGI4Teach project

The University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project for the exchange of good practices entitled "Challenges and practices of teaching economic disciplines in era of digitalization" (DIGI4Teach), and the Project Manager is associate professor Nikolina Dečman. A total of 8 partners from Croatia, Germany, Poland and Serbia are involved in this project. 4 partners are from the higher education system, while the remaining 4 partners are from secondary vocational schools.
A three-day workshop "Train the Trainers Workshop - Application of Digital Tools in Case Study Development" was held in the period from November 22-24, 2022. Project activities were held at three locations, at the FEB Zagreb and in two secondary vocational schools.
 On the first day, after a welcome speech from our dean, associate professor Sanja Sever Mališ, experts from practice and the host institution showed how they use digital tools in their business, and it was discussed how these tools can be used in teaching economic disciplines. On the second day, numerous case studies were presented, which are the result of previous joint staff training events, and in the preparation of which different digital tools were used. The project members were trained in the case studies development and were educated in the application of various digital tools. On the third day, high school students solved cases using different digital tools, which was very interesting because it was determined how those for whom the project is being implemented perceive the use of different digital tools in learning. Conclusions were made about the use of digital tools in teaching and how they must be applied in order to make teaching and teaching materials as high-quality, dynamic and applicable as possible for both high school and university students.

For more information see here.

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