The Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb was founded in 1920; hence, it represents the oldest institution of higher education in economics and business in the Republic of Croatia, but also in wider international context. The Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb is one of 31 constituents of the University of Zagreb, founded in 1669, which position it in the group of the oldest universities in Europe. Based on the results of its economic, social and political activities, the number of current students and members of its Alumni society, the number and the competencies of its professors, associates and accompanying staff, awarded international accreditations, and many top economists, managers, entrepreneurs and politicians, the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb is recognized as leading and largest institution of economic and business education in the Republic of Croatia, and the wider region.
The Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb is a community of 260 professors and associates who carry out study programs and participate in various research projects. In addition to the teaching staff, there are 115 non-teaching staff members assigned to Faculty’s professional services.
The Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb provides study programs at all levels: professional undergraduate and graduate specialist studies, integrated undergraduate and graduate university studies, then undergraduate and graduate university study programs in English, as well as postgraduate specialist and doctoral study programs in the field economics and business economics, and economics and global security. All study programs of the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb are in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration and have valid permits issued by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.
The Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb is currently attended by more than 8,500 students at all levels of study, and each year about 1,500 students complete their studies at various study programs.
The Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb organizes and hosts many scientific and professional conferences, but also regularly publishes six international scientific journals in the field of economics and business, most of which are indexed in leading internationally relevant citation databases (eg. WoS and Scopus). The Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb is an important advisory body of the economic system of the Republic of Croatia, while its professors, to a greater or lesser extent, influence the economic policy-making not only in Croatia but also at the level of the European Union. The Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb is recognized as an important and desirable strategic partner by the largest companies in the Republic of Croatia. This orientation enables our teachers and associates to realize their own research and advisory potentials.
We are proud to point out that the Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb is the holder of national accreditation, signed by the Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, but also three international accreditations, EQUIS and AACSB Business accreditation at the institution level, and EFMD Programme Accreditation for the university study program in English Bachelor Degree in Business. Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb is the only institution in the Republic of Croatia accredited by EQUIS, the world's most prestigious accreditation and the only holder of three very prestigious international accreditations, which ranks us among the top 1% of faculties in the world, measured by objective international criteria.
FEBs' main entrance