The right to use the library materials at the users premises of the LDC have been granted to all citizens in accordance with the Law on Libraries and the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Library & Documentation Centre of the Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb. All users, except for students and staff of the Faculty, could use the library as the guests (visitors) on the basis of the written permission issued by the Head of LDC. The permission would be issued for a limited time, and library materials could be used solely within users’ premises of the LDC.
The right to use, or to borrow materials out of the users’ premises of the LDC have, under the conditions and in the manner anticipated by The Rules of Procedure of the Library & Documentation Centre of the Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, following users:
1. The students of the Faculty (they acquire the status of user by enrolling the Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb):
a) The students of undergraduate and graduate studies,
b) The students of post-graduate specialized and doctoral studies,
c) The students with disabilities,
d) The students in exchange program,
e) The BDIB students (Beside regular lending, exercise the right to loan books from the BDIB collection for a year),
f) The EBIP students;
2. The staff of the Faculty (status acquired on the basis of the signed Contract of Employment with the Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb);
3. Libraries in Croatia and abroad (interlibrary loans);
4. Other users (they have right to loan books through the intercession of their libraries, so called interlibrary loans).
Library registration form (PDF)
Price list
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday: 08:15 -19:45
Friday: 08:15 -18:45
Saturday: 08:15 -13:45