We are pleased to announce that a free trial access to Taylor & Francis eBooks is available to FEB Zagreb's students and staff.
rial access will be available from 15/3/2022 till 15/4/2022.
Access via link:
How to browse and search the Taylorfrancis.com platform: help center
Access is provided via Faculty's computer network and via proxy server (Instructions for database access from outside of the Faculty).
Available collections:
Business/Management (2718 titles)
A complete library of accounting principles, ethics, and organization, this collection offers the best business references in one convenient location. It provides access to the latest information, including e-business technology and globalization, quality and Six Sigma, productivity improvement, library and information science, and Lean methods and implementation.
Economics (8523 titles)
It covers established fields such as macroeconomics, management and financial accounting, political economy, and finance, as well as emerging research approaches to global problems such as behavioural, environmental and data science perspectives.
Finance (1866 titles)
The collection provides expert insights into established areas such as, corporate finance, insurance, money & banking, public finance, pensions, and property finance, as well as covering emerging perspectives such as behavioural finance and fintech.