New issue of Market-Tržište journal is available. Free access to current issue.

New issue of Market-Tržište journal is available. Free access to current issue.

Department of marketing at Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb and CROMAR (Croatian Marketing Association) are pleased to invite you to the upcoming XXVI CROMAR Congress entitled “Looking forward! Marketing from past to future” taking place in Zagreb on 12th and 13th December 2019.
Please, find the information at
New issue of Market-Tržište journal is available. Free access

In search for an answer to this complex question, Assistant Professor Škare returned to the early days of marketing as a profession at Madison Avenue in New York in 1950 and pointed out that the first marketing experts were the predominantly artists. The story of further marketing development until today he has supported by many examples of successful practice and the results of scientific research, thus showing that the scientific basis is undoubtedly in the origins of a modern marketing approach. Finally, marketing can by no means be considered as art or science alone, because a good marketing expert should have interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in art and science.
The interest of the audience, as well as their reactions during and after the lectures, showed a strong interest in the responses that marketing can offer both to practice and to the academic community.

Foto: Vedran Benović

Foto: Vedran Benović
The first lecture on June 12, 2018 was given by Professor Đurđana Ozretić Došen, PhD, under the title The Role of Services Marketing (of the Museums) in the Experience Economy, while Assistant Professor Morana Fudurić, PhD, on June 14, 2018, held a workshop titled Innovative Approaches to Financing Own Ideas, and Tanja Komarac, PhD, on July 5, 2018, gave a lecture titled Myths and Reality: How Technology Changes Our View of Museums. By the lecture dedicated to the challenges of creating experiences for users who are increasingly looking for an attractive and personalized offer of numerous services (with emphasis on museum services), by a workshop where it was possible to get acquainted with the proper access to increasingly popular group financing – the crowdfunding, and by the lecture on new possibilities for museums created by technologies, Prof. Ozretić Došen, Ph.D., Ass. Prof. Fudurić and Komarac, PhD, aroused numerous positive reactions of the audience who attended the events at the Museum of Arts and Crafts, which contributed to empowering the image of the Marketing Department and the Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb in the wider public.

On July 3, 2018 a workshop titled Methodological and analytical presentation of the use of implicit association test (IAT) in consumer research was held at the Faculty of Economics & Business in organization of Assistant Professor Ružica Brečić, PhD. The guest lecturer was Dario Cvenček, PhD, from the University of Washington.
Through the workshop, participants are introduced to the main methodological and analytical questions when using the Implicit Association Test (IAT test), especially when researching the brand of products, attitudes and behavior of consumers. Questions, such as how to collect data (with Inquisit software), as well as data analysis (with the SPSS statistical package) were also processed. In addition to the empirical questions, Mr. Cvenček, PhD, explained differences and unique challenges in collecting and analyzing IAT data in real-life research environments (schools, homes, museums, shopping centers).
The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zagreb, Microsoft and Adacta Group, on June 12, 2018, presented the first results of a joint project of co-operation with students of the EFZG Graduate Study on Marketing in the academic year 2017/2018.
As part of the CRM course on the fifth year of study, Microsoft provided students with free access to CRM Dynamics software during the course, and Adacta has actively supported the implementation of education project in this program solution. "Microsoft has always been strategically committed to the work with young, creative individuals, and education sees as inevitable activity in the era of rapid technological growth. Rapid technology development, users education on the same technology, and digitally-enabled labor market are in a strong correlation - without any of these factors, it is impossible to complete digital transformation and build a quality and competitive digital society, "said Mr. Ivica Ivančić, Partner Technical Architect Microsoft.
The students worked on a CRM system for the beauty salon. In their work, they had no restrictions, and as far as the economics students are concerned, the emphasis was not only on software, but on developing a complete CRM strategy within the company, with the support of Dynamics CRM. In addition to the regular 10-week tuition, students also agreed to pass through additional three weeks of teaching, during which they further established their knowledge and skills in managing customer relationships. During the assignment, students were divided into groups of up to 3 participants. Out of a total of 19 groups of students participating in the project, two groups were selected in front of the representatives of Microsoft, Adacta and the Faculty of Economics and Business for presentation of their solutions. Two groups of students entered the final: 1. Ena Prpić and Lena Dorić and 2. Laura Arcella, Silvija Gustec and Ines Mošmondor. "This project clearly shows the course in which the Faculty wants to go, especially with students at the final years of study - it is collaboration with companies and linking theory to practice.
The ultimate goal is to provide our students with quality education and already at the faculty to get experts who will be able to respond to the challenges of today's labor market. The experience that our students got by working with successful companies such as Microsoft and Adacta is invaluable, "said Miroslav Mandic, PhD, Asisstant Professor at the Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb.
The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zagreb will continue with such co-operations and will expand it on other courses in the future.

New issue of Market-Tržište journal is available. Read online.

Collaboration of the Department of Marketing of the Faculty of Economics & Business, with the Museum of Arts and Crafts (MUO)
With the lecture of Professor Emeritus Jozo Previšić, entitled „Marketing in the Republic of Croatia in the 1960s“, given on Thursday, May 17, 2018 at the Museum of Arts and Crafts, started the lecture cycle within partnership co-operation of the Department of Marketing and the Museum of Arts and Crafts, along with exhibition "Sixties in Croatia - Myth and Reality".
The lecture was devoted to at that time contemporary marketing activities in the 1960s, viewed from the perspective of consumers, businesses and the economic system. Contributions to the development of scientific and professional marketing literature in the Croatian language of the present authors - professors, lecturers and marketing experts - were highlighted. The founding and development of associations and institutions that contributed to the implementation and the deepening of marketing understanding in the specific context of social organization at that time was mentioned.
Professor Emeritus, Jozo Previšić, gave his audience an interesting and educational insight into the development of academic discipline, which has been present for more than 5 decades in the EFZG programs, and is part of every day’s business practices of economic subjects in the Republic of Croatia.
Collaboration of the Faculty of Economics & Business, Department of Marketing with the Museum of Arts and Crafts (MUO)
About Cooperation:
On March 1, 2018, the Faculty of Economics & Business and the Museum of Arts and Crafts (MUO) signed the Agreement on Mutual Cooperation in the Realization of the Exhibition Sixties in Croatia: Myth and Reality. The Faculty of Economics & Business -Zagreb has become the academic partner of this year's largest exhibition in MUO, which will last for 6 months (April - October 2018).
The exhibition is devoted to the key period of recent Croatian history from 1958 to 1971, with an emphasis on economic development and the flourishing of society. The exhibition will mark the emergence, introduction and development of marketing in the 1960s in Croatia as academic discipline of study at the Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb and the application of marketing knowledge and skills in business practice in companies. Professional lectures for a wide audience will be provided by the teachers of the Marketing Department, and special expert guides will be provided for the students by the Museum.

Photo: Srećko Budek
Photo Gallery of lectures
Supporting lectures by Teachers from the Marketing Department at the Museum of Arts and Crafts with the Exhibition Sixties in Croatia: The Myth and Reality
May 17, 2018 / 7 pm
Lecture with the exhibition "Sixties in Croatia - Myth and Reality"; Faculty of Economics Zagreb,
Professor Emeritus Jozo Previšić
Theme: Marketing in the Republic of Croatia in the 1960s
Museum of Arts and Crafts
June 12, 2018 / 7 pm
Lecture with the exhibition "Sixties in Croatia - Myth and Reality"; Faculty of Economics Zagreb,
Prof. Đurđana Ozretić Došen, Ph. D.
Theme: The role of marketing services (museums) in the economy of experience
Museum of Arts and Crafts
July 5, 2018 / 7 pm
Lecture with the exhibition "Sixties in Croatia - Myth and Reality"; Faculty of Economics Zagreb,
Assistant Tanja Komarac, univ. spec. oec.
Theme: Myths and Reality: How does technology change our view of museums?
Sept. 20, 2018 / 7 pm
Lecture with the exhibition "Sixties in Croatia - Myth and Reality"; Faculty of Economics Zagreb,
Assistant Professor Vatroslav Škare, Ph. D.
Theme: Is Marketing Art or Science?
Museum of Arts and Crafts
Sept. 27, 2018 / 7 pm
Lecture with the exhibition "Sixties in Croatia - Myth and Reality"; Faculty of Economics Zagreb,
Assistant Professor Sandra Horvat, Ph. D.
Theme: "Good old times": nostalgia in marketing.
Museum of Arts and Crafts
Complementary program
14.6. 2018/19 pm
Workshop Innovative approaches to financing their ideas
Assistant Professor Morana Fudurić, Ph. D.
Museum of Arts and Crafts
More about exhibitions and special events can be found on the websites of MUO and the Department of Marketing or by contacting Prof. Đurđane Ozretić Došen and/or Assistant Tanja Komarac from Marketing Department.
Announcement of the exhibition

New issue of Market-Tržište journal is available. Read online
New issue of Market-Tržište journal is available. Read online
European Marketing Academy is a prestigious association that brings together scientists and practitioners from around the world, interested in the development of marketing theory and practice. It was founded in 1975, counts over 1,000 members from 57 countries, and is focused networking, dissemination of information and promotion of international exchanges in the field of marketing.
For the first time in EMAC’s 41-year history a Croat is a member of the Management Board. Professor Đurđana Ozretić Došen is long-time active EMAC member. She is particularly involved in the EMAC Regional Initiative (from its beginning in 2010) to stimulate networking of scientists from Central and Eastern Europe. For two terms, in the period from 2007 to 2012, she served as the first national representative for Croatia.
During the EMAC 2016 conference: Marketing in the age of data, held in Oslo 24-27 May 2016, the sixth annual meeting took place bringing together young scientists members of the European Marketing Academy in the Climber Community, an initiative that encourages their international networking in research activities.
The meeting was organized by Associate Professor Sylvia von Wallpach of Copenhagen Business School and FEB’s Assistant Professor Vatroslav Škare who also acted as the moderator. The invited lecturer was Professor V. Kumar, editor in chief of the Journal of Marketing. This was followed by a workshop dedicated to introducing and building collaborative relationships. This year Tanja Komarac, univ. spec. econ, joined Climber Community and thus strengthened the representation of the Croatian academic community in the CC initiative.
The first MTW workshop on Sign Topics of Thesis was held in February and included answers to frequently student challenges and problems in writing of thesis –how to choose a mentor, area / topic of thesis, about the procedures for diploma paper application paper and how to search database smartly.
In March, the workshop on Writing a Literature Review the students discussed what literature review is and what kinds of literature review there are, the questions that correspond to literature reviews, how to organize literature reviews, and how to properly cite sources in graduate work.
The third workshop on the Design and Methodology of the Research organized in April dealt with the types of research used for the purpose of writing graduate theses, and on research design.
The last two workshops were organized in May. The workshop Qualitative Research in Marketing deliberated the most common methods used in marketing – content analysis, case studies, interview and observation methods. The last workshop on Quantitative Research in Marketing gave answers to the questions about the goals and the methods of quantitative research, how to collect data and how to analyse and interpret the data. The new cycle MTW workshop for generation 2016/2017 can be expected in the new academic year.
All information about the workshops is available at the following link.
What marketing students said about the MTW workshops:
"[MTW workshop] are excellent, motivated and focused."
"A great initiative and great teachers."
"The great thing for confusing writing thesis."

New issue of Market/Tržište journal is available. Free Online access.
Ms Marija Klaić, the marketing manager of Opel for Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and alumna of FEB, gave a guest lecture about „Brand Ambassadors“ as part of Professor Ozretić Došen's Marketing Management course. The lecture, which took place on 10 December 2015, was attended by the students and staff of the Department of Marketing.
Ms Klaić and representatives of Opel marketing team were welcomed by Vice-dean Jurica Pavičić. Marija Klaić is the member of Marketing Management alumni, always willing to share her professional experience with her younger colleagues. To illustrate the concept of brand ambassador and exemplify the collaboration between a brand and its brand ambassadors, Marija complemented her interesting and interactive lectures with a special surprise for the students. Opel brand ambassadors Aleksandra Dojčinović, Mila Elegović, Renata Sopek and Ivan Dečak joined Klaić during her lecture. The students asked many interesting questions and learnt about the challenges of a specific and attractive marketing approach to brand management. Moreover, the account was given from the perspective of automotive industry, i.e. from the perspective of an exceptionally dynamic and competitive industry.
After the lecture, the participants gathered in the Faculty Library for a short tour and a photo session.
3rd Marketing Management Alumni Afterwork meeting took place on 25th November 2015. The programme was both attractive and useful. The meeting was opened by Assist. Prof. Vatroslav Škare, Ph.D., and the participants were welcomed by Professor Lajoš Žager, Ph.D., Dean.
After the opening statements, a lecture on neuromarketing "What is our own brain „telling“ us?" was delivered by Professor Đurđana Ozretić Došen, Ph.D.
The lecture answered the following questions:
- What are consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing?;
- How can neuroscience methods be used in marketing?;
- What are the results of research undertaken in the areas of building brands in the minds of consumers, advertising, product design and packaging, cost and risk perception by consumers, consumer confidence, etc.?.
Criticisms of neuromarketing and the constraints of its application were discussed as well. Professor Ozretić Došen's attractive presentation triggered numerous questions and the discussion continued during the coffee breaks.
Due to the great interest shown by the participants of the Marketing Management postgraduate specialist study programme, the third part of the Alumni Afterwork meeting is again designed as a workshop aiming to help students complete the last phase of their postgraduate studies. A former student of Marketing Management and teaching and research assistant at the Marketing Department, Tanja Komarac, univ. spec. oec., held a workshop on "How to find a good idea and turn it into your final project?". Speaking from her personal experience, Tanja answered questions on how to select topics and the mentor, on the process of work registration, database and literature search.
This year's alumni Afterwork meeting programme aroused a lot of interest among the audience - lecturers, marketing experts, and postgraduate, graduate and undergraduate students of the Faculty. The third Alumni Afterwork meeting surpassed all expectations – there were not enough chairs in the hall. Feedback was extremely positive and the participants said they were looking forward to the next meeting.