
  • Linčir Lumezi, M. and Planinšek Čikara, I. „Teachers' views on the role of dictionary use in language for specific purposes courses at academic level“ In Proceedings of EDULEARN2024, the 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, pp. 9179-9187, Palma, Spain, 2024. doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.2212  ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-
  •   Planinšek-Čikara, I. and Linčir Lumezi, M. “Teaching dictionary skills at the academic level: an example of dictionary-based activities in a Business English course”, In Proceedings of INTED2024, the 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, pp. 7411-7421, Valencia, Spain, 2024. DOI:10.21125/inted.2024.1943 ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9  
  • Linčir Lumezi, M., Čikara Planinšek, I. and Kiss Kulenović, B. “Trebaju li nam uopće rječnici?”, In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Contemporary challenges    in LSPTeaching, pp. 172-190, Osijek, Croatia, 2023. 
  • Planinšek-Čikara, I. (2018), A Coursebook Evaluation in the Context of English for Tourism Purposes. Rad samostalno prezentiran na 4. međunarodnoj konferenciji Foreign Languages and Tourism (FLT 2018), Zadar, November 8-9, 2018.
  • Planinšek-Čikara, I. (2018.), Elevator pitch: kratka poduzetnička prezentacija u nastavi poslovnog engleskog jezika, Zbornik radova III. međunarodne konferencije Od terije do prakse u jeziku struke, ISSN: 1849-9279, str. 201-213. Rad samostalno prezentiran na III. međunarodnoj konferenciji Od teorije do prakse u jeziku struke,  22-24. veljače 2018., Zagreb, u organizaciji Udruge nastavnika jezika struke na visokoškolskim ustanovama.
  • Kiss Kulenović, B., Planinšek Čikara, I., Linčir Lumezi M. i Lekaj Lubina B: English for Business: Coursebook for Undergraduate Professional Degree Programmes in Economics and Business, ISBN 978-953-346-019-2, Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet - Zagreb, 2015., (sveučilišni udžbenik).
  • Gjukić, N., Linčir Lumezi, M., Planinšek Čikara, I., Uloga jezika struke u akademskom obrazovanju, Zbornik radova znanstvene konferencije Ekonomsko obrazovanje u Republici Hrvatskoj - jučer, danas, sutra,  ISBN 978-953-6025-76-3, str. 377-407. Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2013., (stručni rad).
  • Knezović, A., Linčir Lumezi, M., Planinšek Čikara, I. (2012), Modern Technology in Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) - Friend or Foe?,  The Role of Languages for Specific Purposes in Intercultural Communication, Electronic Edition, University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, (str.118-134). Rad prezentiran na The International Language Conference on ‘The Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication between Cultures,  Mariborsko sveučilište, Celje, Slovenija, 2012.
  • Planinšek-Čikara, I.,(2012) Aspekti razvoja američke suburbije između 1950. i 2010., magistarski rad. Mentor Ognjen Čaldarović, Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu.