Curriculum Vitae
2010 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Ph. D.
2006 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, M. Sc.
Professional Education
2022 OpenInnoTrain – Industry 4.0 (Montepulciano, Italy)
2019 Innovation Ecosystems, program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT (Boston, MA, USA)
2019 OpenInnoTrain – Industry 4.0 (Barcelona, Spain)
2016 Market Research Colloquium on Smart PLS (Zagreb, Croatia)
2015 Advanced Program in Business - education in Marketing, Strategy, Innovation, and Finance (Zagreb, Croatia)
2009 Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs, USA)
2007 EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Statistical Methods for Management Research (Leuven, Belgium)
2007 Education program if the field of didactics, psychology, rhetoric, and informatics (Zagreb, Croatia)
2006 World Forum on Marketing and Sales (Lisbon, Portugal)
2007 Award 'Dr. Mijo Mirković' for scientific work (most prestigious Croatian scientific award in economics and business)
Other Activities / Projects
2020- Journal Market-Tržište, associate editor
2020- PROSPER - PROmoting Social entrePreneurship in Higher Education for a prospeRous society
2018-2019 How do Slovenian and Croatian higher education organizations follow the goals of the European higher education systems concerning social responsibility?
2017 The impact of brand innovativeness on consumer willingness to pay different price levels
2015-2016 ECONQUAL (project financed by the European Union about new qualification systems for higher education institutions in the field of economics in Croatia – team leader at University of Zagreb)
2015- Scientific Center of Excellence for School Effectiveness and Management
2014 Interaction of different levels of analysis in creating brand perceptions
Membership in Professional Organizations
AMA (American Marketing Association)
CROMAR (Croatian Marketing Associations)
EMAC (European Marketing Academy)
Doctoral study program: Research topics in brand management
Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study program: International Marketing, Brand Management, Principles of Marketing
Master study program in Marketing (English taught): International Marketing, Marketing Planning, Brand Management
Postgraduate university specialist study program: International Marketing Management, Brand Management, Marketing Planning, Country Brand Management
Professional specialist graduate study program: Digital Marketing Planning
Graduate university study program at Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina): International Marketing, Marketing Planning
Research Areas
International Marketing, Business Internationalization, Brand Management, Country of Origin, Country Branding, Luxury Marketing