Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb

The Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb is a partner in the project "Research of natural language processing (for the Croatian language) and development of PhisHRban products to increase cyber security"

Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb is a partner in the project "Research of natural language processing (for the Croatian language) and product development PhisHRban to increase cyber security" from the tender Increasing the development of new products and services arising from research and development activities - phase II, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

A total of 3 partners will participate in the project activities: Megatrend business solutions d.o.o., Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, where the company Megatrend is the project leader.

From the Faculty of Economics & Business in the project are participating Prof. Mirjana Pejić Bach, Ph.D. (Senior Researcher), Prof. Nikola Vlahović, Ph.D. (Machine Learning Expert), Prof. Ivan Strugar, Ph.D. (Machine Learning Expert), and Mr. Tomislav Medić, M.Sc. (Natural language processing expert).

Today, one of the main social challenges in the European Union, as well as in the world, is security. This project focuses on the issue of cyber security, which is one of the most important security issues given the growth of cybercrime and the huge losses it causes globally.

The goal of this project is to use artificial intelligence methods, especially natural language processing methods, to develop a new, innovative product PhisHRban that will enable the recognition of phishing messages (a variant of the word fishing) in the Croatian language, with the aim of increasing cyber security.

The first phase of the project will explore the problem of cyber security and phishing and how this problem could be dealt with using previously researched methods. In the next phase, the methods of processing the natural Croatian language will be explored, and then in the third phase the development of a model for recognizing malicious emails, messages on social networks, or content on websites aimed at fraud and extracting personal data and money from recipients. In the last phase, the results of the research will be used and a product will be developed to detect online data theft attempts.

The project implementation period is from January 1, 2021, to July 01, 2023.

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