Mario Spremić, PhD

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Mario Spremić, PhD
Name and surname
Mario Spremić
Office Hours
  • Monday: 17:45 - 19:15

Professor Mario Spremić, PhD  (CV)
Vice-President of National Scientific Committee for Information Science: Director of Postgradute Study Programme
IT Management; Department of Informatics
e-mail: phone: +385 1 238 3274
Google Scholar:  

Career overview

Mario Spremić (born in Dubrovnik, Croatia in 1970) is a Full Professor (tenured) at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, visiting or adjunct professor at international institutions (Imperial College London, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Sapienza University of Rome), scientist and business consultant. He received a B.Sc. in Mathematical Sciences (in 1996.), M.Sc. in IT Management (in 1999.) and Ph.D. (in 2002) in Business, all from the University of Zagreb. He joined Faculty of Economics & Business (FEB Zagreb) in 2000, with the previous corporate experience as a computer programmer, project manager and executive manager. Mario has taken additional education from MIT Sloan School of Management (digital transformation), EFMD Executive Academy and many international study visits worldwide (study visits at Henley Business School, Westminster University, WU, MIT, Sapienza University of Rome, Technical University Munich - TUM, etc.).
He has authored or co-authored 15 books and over 100 scientific and professional articles, mainly in the areas of digital transformation, cybersecurity, strategic IT management and IT auditing, which are his main areas of work.
With strong technology background and corporate executive experience, Mario has been acting as a consultant and IT auditor, leading or participating in 100+ international projects and helping companies and institutions going through digital transformation, cybersecurity and cyber risk challenges. So far, he has conducted more than 100 consultancy projects, IT audits, cybersecurity stress tests or cyber security assessment in various industries and companies.
Mario has a broad experience in international accreditations of higher education institutions (HEIs), leading institutional processes towards achieving EFMD Programme and EQUIS accreditations.

At Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb, he teaches a number of courses (e-Business, Enterprise information systems, Cybersecurity, IT Auditing, Digital transformation). He is a member of a number of core domestic and international institutions in his field of work, the winner of several scientific awards and holder of the international CGEIT (Certificate in Governance of Enterprise IT) certificate. Mario is acting as an international accreditor of HEI's (EFMD, NAKVIS) and specializes in helping HEI's achieve and maintain international accreditations. He is a reviewer for WoS, ISI and Scopus indexed international journals.
Research areas
Digital transformation, digital business models, cybersecurity, strategic IT management and IT auditing
Most important research papers:
  • Spremić, M., Zentner, H., Zentner, R. (2024): Measuring Digital Business Models Maturity: Theory, Framework and Empirical Validation, IEEE Technology Engineering Management, Volume 71, Page 6553-6567, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3226864
  • Savastano, M, Spremić, M., Stojcic, N, Gobbi, L. (2024), “Digital economy: towards a conceptual research framework based on bibliometric and in-depth analyses”, Management & Marketing, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 275-306, DOI: 10.2478/mmcks-2024-0013
  • M. Savastano, H. Zentner, Spremić, M., Cucari, N. (2022). Assessing the relationship between digital transformation and sustainable business excellence in a turbulent scenario, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. DOI: 10.1080/14783363.2022.2063717
  • Arbanas K., Spremić M., Zajdela Hrustek N., (2021): Holistic framework for evaluating and improving information security culture, Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol. 73 No. 5, pp. 699-719, Emerald Publishing.
  • Ivančić, L., Vukšić, V. Bosilj, & Spremić, M. (2019): Mastering the Digital Transformation Process: Business Practices and Lessons Learned. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9(2): 36-50.
  • Spremić, M., Šimunic, A. (2018): Cyber security challenges in digital economy, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering WCE 2018, pp. 341-347, IAENG, Hong Kong.
  • Susa Vugec, D., Spremic, M., Pejic Bach. M (2017): IT governance adoption in banking and insurance sector: longitudinal case study of COBIT use, International Journal for Quality Research 11(3) 691-716.
  • Spremić, M., Bajgorić, N., Turulja, L. (2013): Implementation of IT governance standards and business continuity management in transition economies: The case of banking sector in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ekonomska istrazivanja - Economic research, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp. 183 - 202.
  • Bosilj Vukšić, V., Spremić, M., (2005): ERP System Implementation and Business Process Change: Case Study of Croatian Pharmaceutical Company, Journal of Computer and Information Technology - CIT, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2005, pp. 11-24.
  • Spremić, M. (2003): Management approach to e-business initiatives: Research Study on Croatian Large Corporations, Management, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 31-49, 2003. ISSN 1331-0194.
  • Spremić, M., Strugar, I. (2002): Strategic Information System Planning in Croatia: Organizational and Managerial Challenges, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol. 3, Num. 3, pp. 183-200.
External activity
Vice-president of National committee for Information sciences
EFMD accreditation, NAKVIS - reviewer
Volonteering work for professional organisations like ISACA (Information System Audit and Control Association)
Membership: IEEE, ISACA, IAE (International Association of Engineers)
Member of Educational committee for Croatian Associations of Auditors
Connections with the business world: consultant and IT auditor, leading or participating in 100+ international projects and helping companies and institutions going through digital transformation, cybersecurity and cyber risk challenges. Conducted more than 100 consultancy projects so far, IT audits, cybersecurity stress tests or cyber security assessment in various industries and companies.
Notable Publications in period 2019-2023 
  1. Spremić, M., Zentner, H., Zentner, R. (2024): Measuring Digital Business Models Maturity: Theory, Framework and Empirical Validation, IEEE Technology Engineering Management, Volume 71, Page 6553-6567, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3226864
  2. Savastano, M, Spremić, M., Stojcic, N, Gobbi, L. (2024), “Digital economy: towards a conceptual research framework based on bibliometric and in-depth analyses”, Management & Marketing, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 275-306, DOI: 10.2478/mmcks-2024-0013
  3. Ivančić, L., Spremić, M., & Bosilj Vukšić, V. 2024. Supporting customer care and analytics with personal AI assistant: Case study of a food wholesale industry. Procedia Computer Science, 237 (2024), str. 437-444  doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.05.125
  4. M. Savastano, H. Zentner, Spremić, M., Cucari, N. (2022). Assessing the relationship between digital transformation and sustainable business excellence in a turbulent scenario, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. DOI: 10.1080/14783363.2022.2063717
  5. Jajić, I., Spremić, M., Miloloža, I (2022): Behavioural Intention Determinants of Augmented Reality Technology  Adoption in Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, International Journal of E-Services & Mobile Applications, Volume 14, Issue 1, 14 (2022), 1; 1-22; DOI: 10.4018/IJESMA.289632
  6. Arbanas K., Spremić M., Zajdela Hrustek N., (2021): Holistic framework for evaluating and improving information security culture, Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol. 73 No. 5, pp. 699-719, Emerald Publishing.
  7. Zentner, H., Spremić, M. (2021): Typology of Digital Business Models in Tourism, International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications, Volume 13, Issue 2, April-June 2021, pp. 21-42.
  8. Ivančić, L., Vukšić, V. Bosilj, & Spremić, M. (2019): Mastering the Digital Transformation Process: Business Practices and Lessons Learned. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9(2): 36-50.
  9. Garbin Praničević D., Spremić M., Jaković B. (2019) Technology and Educational Leadership: The Role of Leaders vs. National Education Policies. In: Ingþórsson Á., Alfirević N., Pavičić J., Vican D. (eds) Educational Leadership in Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
University books:
  • Spremić, M. (2020): Digitalna transformacija poslovanja, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb.
  • Spremić, M. (2020): Sigurnost i revizija informacijskih sustava u okruženju digitalne ekonomije, sveučilišni udžbenik, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb
  • Spremić, M. (2020): Enterprise information system in digital economy, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb.
  • Pejić Bach, M., Spremić, M. (urednici) (2020): Osnove poslovne informatike, sveučilišni udžbenik, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb.
  • Spremić, M. (2020): Digitalna transformacija poslovanja, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb.
  • Spremić, M. (2020): Sigurnost i revizija informacijskih sustava u okruženju digitalne ekonomije, sveučilišni udžbenik, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb
  • Spremić, M. (2020): Enterprise information system in digital economy, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb.
  • Pejić Bach, M., Spremić, M. (urednici) (2020): Osnove poslovne informatike, sveučilišni udžbenik, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb.
  • Panian, Ž., Spremić, M. (2007): Korporativno upravljanje i revizija informacijskih sustava, Zgombić i partneri, Zagreb.
  • Spremić, M., (2004): Menadžment i elektroničko poslovanje, Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2004.
  • Spremić, M., Strugar, I., (2004): Informatika 2, udžbenik za II. razred ekonomske škole, Alka Script, Zagreb, 2004.
  • Srića, V., Spremić, M., (2000): Informacijskom tehnologijom do poslovnog uspjeha, Sinergija, Zagreb, 2000.
Book chapters:
  • Spremić, M. (2016): Utjecaj informacijskog sustava na konkurentnost, Strategije pozicioniranja informacijskih sustava u poslovanju, Organizacija informacijskog sustava, Kvaliteta i sigurnost informacijskog sustava, poglavlja u knjizi Informacijski sustavi u poslovanju (sveučilišni udžbenik), urednici M. Varga, I. Strugar, Element, 2016.
  • Spremić, M. (2013): Exploratory Study on the IT Governance Usage in Leading Croatian Companies, Recent Advances in Information Science, WSEAS Press. 2013, 54-59. Athens, Greece. ISBN: 978-960-474-304-9.
  • Spremić, M. (2012): Governing Information System Security: Review of Approaches to Information System Security Assurance and Auditing, Latest Trends in Applied Informatics and Computing, WSEAS Press. 2012, 42-47. Athens, Greece. ISBN: 978-1-61804-130-2.
  • Spremić, M. (2010): Strateško upravljanje poslovnim informacijskih sustavima, poglavlje u knjizi Poslovni informacijski sustavi (sveučilišni udžbenik), urednici Ž. Panian, K. Ćurko, Element, 2010.
  • Spremić, M. (2009): IT Governance and IT Risk Management Principles And Methods For Supporting “Always-On” Enterprise Information Systems, in a book Always-On Enterprise Information Systems for Business Continuance: Technologies for Reliable and Scalable Operation, IGI Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-60566-723-2, edited by Bajgoric, Nijaz.
  • Spremić, M. (2009): Uloga informacijske tehnologije u poslovanju i Organizacija i upravljanje informatikom kao poslovnom funkcijom, poglavlja u knjizi Poslovna informatika (sveučilišni udžbenik), urednice V. Bosilj Vukšić, M. Pejić Bach, Element, 2009.
  • Spremić, M., (2008): Korporativno upravljanje i informacijski sustavi, poglavlje u knjizi Korporativno upravljanje, urednik D. Tipurić, Sinergija, 2008.
  • Spremić, M., Brzica, H. (2008): e-Government and its applications in the Republic of Croatia, in a book Recent Advances in Systems, Communications and Computers, editors: Qing Li, Chen, S.Y., Anping Xu, Ming Li, WSEAS Press, Series of Reference Books and Textbooks, April, 2008.
  • Spremić M. (2007): Strategija i upravljanje informacijskim sustavima, poglavlje u knjizi: skupina autora (urednici Varga, M., Ćurko, K.) (2007): Informacijska tehnologija u poslovanju, Element, Zagreb, 2007, sveučilišni udžbenik
  • Panian, Ž., (urednik), Klepac, G., Knežević, B., Spremić, M., Strugar, I., (2005): Englesko-hrvatski informatički enciklopedijski rječnik, Zagreb : Europapress Holding, 2005
Practice oriented work, collaboration with the business, consultancy
References in the implementation of IT audits, cybersecurity assessments and IT strategy (over 100 IT audits and consulting projects):
Financial sector:
  • External IT auditor (banks): Kreditna banka Zagreb d.d. (2008-2013), Banka Kovanica d.d. (2008-2013), VABA Varaždinska banka d.d. (2008-2013), Štedbanka d.d. (2013), Partner bank d.d. (2008-2010), Centar banka d.d. (2008-2010), Samoborska banka d.d. (2016-2017), Jadranska banka (2017), Karlovačka Banka (2018-2022) - IT audits according to CNB guidelines (based on CoBIT framework and best practices of other norms).
  • External IT auditor (insurance): Allianz Zagreb d.d. (2013), Jadransko osiguranje d.d. (2010-2013), Agram life insurance d.d. (2010-2013), UNIQA (2010-2013), Mercedes leasing (2015-2016), Izvor osiguranje d.d. (2016-2018), Croatian Insurance Office (2017), Croatian Pension Investment Company (2017), Groupama Insurance (2021-present) - audits of information systems in accordance with HANFE guidelines (based on the CoBIT framework and best practices of other norms).
  • External IT auditor: Janaf (2023), audit based on CoBIT and CIS framework (critical national infrastructure).
  • Internal IT auditor (banks and financial institutions): J&T banka d.d. (2017-2022), Partner banka (2018-present), Samoborska banka (2018-present), Zagrebačka burza d.d. (2016-present), Central Clearing Depository Company (SKDD, 2016-2017 and 2022-2023), Janaf (2023). Audits based on the CoBIT framework and best practices of other standards (CIS, ISO 27000).
  • Allianz Zagreb d.d. (2009, audit of information security according to ISO 27000 standards).
  • Consultant for the ECB cybersecurity stress test: NKBM 2024.
  • UNIQA osiguranje d.d. (2016) - internal audit of data transmission reliability
  • Other projects: Croatia Insurance (2007-2008, IT strategic management projects), Nova Kreditna banka Maribor (2007-2008, IT strategic management consultant), Privredna banka Zagreb (2002, Business Intelligence project, credit score automation system).
Public sector:
  • High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2023, consultant for creating an ICT strategy - based on the CobIT 5 framework)
  • Federal Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2011, consultant for the introduction of regulations in the field of IS audit and IS security - based on CobIT)
  • Croatian Highways d.d. (2007, preparation for the introduction of the ISO 27000 standard)
  • Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development (2007, audit of information systems in order to reduce risks in achieving business goals)
Consumer industry, service sector and others:
  • Konzum d.d. and Tisak d.d. (2013) - audit of information systems, verification of the effectiveness (weakness) of internal controls, based on the CobIT framework, CIS and ISO 27000
  • Podravka d.d. (2014) - audit of information systems, risk assessment for business, based on the CobIT framework
  • Hotels Babin Kuk d.d. (2007) - audit of information systems for the purpose of reducing risks in achieving business goals
  • SRC.SI (2004-2006) - consultant in the field of strategic application of IT in business
  • Informatika 2000 d.o.o. (2002, IT company, audit of information systems in order to reduce risks in achieving business goals)