Department of Macroeconomics and Economic Development is the first, oldest and the largest department among Croatian faculties of economics. Academician Mijo Mirković, founder of the Faculty, is also a founder of this department.
The department carries out study programme in Economics. Contemporary curriculum economics majors – future experts in modelling and analysis of complex economic systems, e.g. analysts and company planners, experts in finance, planners and economic policy experts for specific economic fields and the whole economy, experts in international trade, international finance and diplomacy, public sector experts (education, health care, statistics and high school teachers of economics.)
Study of Macroeconomics is designed for students interested in scientific study of economics, its 4-year programme is significantly different from study programme in Business Administration.
Economic analysis and development studies are designed to meet growing needs of numerous companies and institutions for highly qualified economic development analysts, with the emphasis on the economic development of Croatia. Curriculum for the first two years is identical to Business Administration curriculum, i.e. students choose their major in the third year of studies.
Two fundamental courses of the department – Macroeconomics and Croatian Economy – are obligatory courses for both Business Administration and Economics majors. They provide the students with relevant facts on research results in the field of theory and its application in Croatia's economic development. This department also offers courses 13 other courses and organizes 3 postgraduate studies.