Throughout the history of Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb since 1920, when High School of Trade and Transport was founded, finance studies have had an important place in curricula. In the initial phase of economics studies, finance was taught within ''Principles of Political Economy'' using the textbook of the same title written by Professor Blaž Lorković in 1889.
The existing Department of Finance with segments of monetary finance, public and social finance, international finance and financial institutions and markets, banking and insurance, is directed to providing guidance in handling complicated challenges of globalization. In order to achieve this goal, syllabi of the given disciplines are highly compatible with finance study programmes in the EU and USA. .
Memory of those members of our department who left their mark on financial theory and Croatia's politics but are no longer with us - Professor Marijan Hanžeković, first finance minister in independent Croatia and Professor Antun Šokman, a long-term vice governer of Croatian National Bank, are an inspiration to us all in our teaching and research within the field of finance.