Tamara Ćurlin, PhD

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Tamara Ćurlin, PhD
Name and surname
Tamara Ćurlin
Office Hours
  • Tuesday: 10:30 - 12:30
  • Wednesday: 12:30 - 14:30
Tamara Ćurlin, PhD, is a Senior Assistant at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Business Economy and Master’s Degree in Business Economy and Managerial Informatics at the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb. She enrolled in a PhD program also at the Faculty of Economics and Business in 2016. and in 2022. received her PhD (magna cum laude) by defending her doctoral dissertation titled “Organizational Aspects of Business, Hotel Website Quality and Distribution Channels Relationship In Hotel Industry”. Tamara Ćurlin, PhD, was first employed in the Faculty of Economic and Business Zagreb in 2018. as a Teaching and Research Assistant. She is currently employed as a Senior Assistant at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Business. In 2022, she gained a title as a Scientific Associate in the Scientific field of Social Sciences, the scientific field of Information and Communication Science. Her previous employment was in accounting and business consulting, tourism, and as a business manager in tourism. Tamara Ćurlin, PhD, is actively involved in the organization and performance of classes and the preparation of teaching materials for 12 different courses within the study programs on the University Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate study programs and the Professional Specialist Graduate programs “Electronic Business in the Private and Public Sector” and “Digital Marketing” on the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb. Tamara Ćurlin is intensively engaged in the publishing of scientific and professional papers in international scientific journals and proceedings of international scientific conferences. She has published and presented about 30 papers in total. Besides, she participated in the writing of the university handbook entitled "Practical Application of Business Informatics". Also, so far, she has reviewed several scientific papers for the needs of international scientific meetings and scientific journals. The Assistant participated as a researcher and collaborator in the bilateral Croatian-Slovenian project "Management Simulation Games - Trends and Perspectives (MENSIMUL)" (2020 - 2022) and is currently involved as a collaborator in the Erasmus+ project LightCode-Strengthening the Digital Transformation of Higher Education Through Low-Code (2022 -). From 2019. to 2022., Tamara Ćurlin was an active member of the Digital Marketing Team of the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, where she was responsible for creating, publishing content and responding to messages within the Faculty's social media platforms. Furthermore, since her first employment on the Faculty, she was and currently is a member of several different Committees on the Faculty. She has been actively involved in the activities of the Department of Informatics of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb, and since 2018. she holds a methodological presentation for senior students majoring in "Managerial Informatics" on the topic "How to write a thesis" every year.
Research areas
Some of her current research interests and professional focuses are Disruptive Technologies in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, IT strategy, Design Thinking and Innovations, Digital Business, Web metrics, ICT quality, UX/UI design and Green Economy.
External activity
Tamara Ćurlin, PhD, so far reviewed several papers from different institutions. Also, she often enrolls in education and business training programs such as courses related to academic writing methodology, creative thinking, and scientific and teaching skills training.
Notable Publications in period 2019-2023
  • Ćurlin, T., Jaković, B., & Wittine, Z. (2023). The perspectives of decision support in hotel industry: systematic review and bibliometric analysis. Journal of Decision Systems, 1-16.
  • Bach, M. P., Ćurlin, T., Stjepić, A. M., & Meško, M. (2023). Quo Vadis Business Simulation Games in the 21st Century?. Information14(3), 178.
  • Ćurlin, T., Jaković, B., & Wittine, Z. (2022). Decision support utilization in hotel industry: bibliometric analysis. In International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST 2022) (pp. 98-103).
  • Ćurlin, T. (2022). Social Media In Hotel Industry: Perspective Of Croatian Hotels. In Proceedings of FEB Zagreb International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business (Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1114-1124). University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business.
  • Ćurlin, T., Kamenjarska, T., & Bach, M. P. (2022). Innovation features in the hotel industry: Croatian hotel websites. Croatian Regional Development Journal, 3(1), 91-111.
  • Stjepić, A. M., Pintar, D., & Ćurlin, T. (2022). Sports Tourism Products: Social Media Perspective. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 14(1), 1-21.
  • Jaković, B., Ćurlin, T., & Miloloža, I. (2021). Enterprise digital divide: Website e-commerce functionalities among European Union enterprises. Business Systems Research: International journal of the Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy12(1), 197-21
  • Ćurlin, T., Pejić Bach, M., & Miloloža, I. (2020). Presentation skills of business and economics students: Cluster analysis. Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics, 6(2), 27-42.
  • Ćurlin, T., Jaković, B., & Miloloža, I. (2019). Twitter usage in tourism: literature review. Business Systems Research: International Journal of the Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy10(1), 102-119.
  • Ćurlin, T., Pejić Bach, M., & Miloloža, I. (2019). Use of Twitter by national tourism organizations of European countries. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems: INDECS, 17(1-B), 226-241.