Fedor Rocco, Croatian economist (Gradac, 11. VII. 1924 – Zagreb, 12. I. 2011). Majored in 1954 and doctorate in 1965 at Zagreb's Faculty of Economics & Business. He worked as the Head of Zagreb's Bureau of Statistics from 1951 untill 1956 as well as the Deputy Head of the Zagreb's Market Research Bureau from 1962 untill 1973. From 1966 he was a faculty member of the School of Economics and a professor at the Faculty of Economics & Business from 1971 untill 1989; dean from 1971 untill 1973. Author of following papers and books: Strategija plasmana (1964), Teorija i primjena istraživanja marketinga (1971), Osnove tržišnog poslovanja (1974), Istraživanje tržišta (1988), Marketing (1991), Marketinško upravljanje (1994) and others. (Source: enciklopedija.hr)
- 2022. izv.prof.dr.sc. Morana Fuduric, M., Akos Varga, izv.prof.dr.sc. Sandra Horvat, izv.prof.dr.sc. Vatroslav Skare: The way we perceive: Comparative analysis of manufacturer brands and private labels using implicit and explicit measures objavljenom u Journal of Business Research, 142 (2022), 221-241, doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.12.033
- 2021. doc. dr. sc. Ivana Kursan Milaković „Purchase experience during the COVID pandemic and social cognitive theory: The relevance of consumer vulnerability, resilience, and adaptability for purchase satisfaction and repurchase“ rad objavljen u časopisu International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2021; Vol. 45, No. 6, str. 1425-1442.
- 2019. - Prof. dr. sc. Marija Tomašević Lišanin, izv. prof. dr. sc. Selma Kadić-Maglajlić and dr. sc. Nikola Drašković: Principi prodaje i pregovaranja
- 2018 - Prof. dr. sc. Tihomir Vranešević, doc. dr. sc. Irena Pandža Bajs and doc. dr. sc. Miroslav Mandić: "Upravljanje zadovoljstvom klijenata" (second edition – publisher: Accent Zagreb, ISBN 978-953-7930-13-4)
- 2017 - Prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Sinčić Ćorić, dr. sc. Ivan-Damir Anić, izv. prof. dr. sc. Sunčana Piri Rajh, dr. sc. Edo Rajh, izv. prof. dr. sc. Nataša Kurnoga: "Organizational buying decision approaches in manufacturing industry: developing measures and typology" published in Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2017, pg. 227-237.
- 2014 - Prof. dr. sc. Bruno Grbac: "Marketing Dynamics: How to Create Value for Customers", izdavač Pearson, London, Velika Britanija.
- 2013 - Doc. dr. sc. Dario Miočević and prof. dr. sc. Biljana Crnjak-Karanović: "The mediating role of key supplier relationship management practices on supply chain orientation – The organizational buying effectiveness link" published in Industrial Marketing Management, Vol . 41, No. 1, 2012, pg. 115-124.
- 2012 - Prof. dr. sc. Jozo Previšić (ur.): "Leksikon marketinga" - publisher: Zagreb Faculty of Economics & Business, Zagreb, 2011