Paper submission


Notifications have been sent out to all authors (including co-authors) on June 30,2020. Please check your spam folder. If you have not received it, please send an email to Anne-Laure Marteaux (

Following the announcement about the cancellation of the EMAC 2020 Annual Conference in Budapest, and the overall developments with the coronavirus situation, we want to inform you about two important updates regarding submitting a paper to EMAC 2020 Regional conference scheduled for September in Zagreb:

1) Extending the paper submission deadline

Given the current situation, we decided to extend the paper submission deadline for the EMAC 2020 Regional Conference. scheduled on September 16-19, 2020 in Zagreb, Croatia. The new submission deadline is: 29th April 2020 (Midnight CET time).    

2) Possibility of re-submitting the papers accepted for oral presentation at the EMAC 2020 Annual Conference in Budapest to EMAC 2020 Regional Conference in Zagreb.

We invite authors whose paper has been accepted for oral presentation at the EMAC 2020 Annual Conference in Budapest, to resubmit their work to the EMAC 2020 Regional Conference.

This paper will go through a screening process by EMAC Regional Conference Committee members and EMAC Representatives.          

If your paper was accepted for poster presentation at the EMAC Annual Conference in Budapest, you can make any changes you deem appropriate; it will be considered as a new submission, and will go through the standard peer-review process again.  
All submissions and re-submissions should be in PDF format no later than 29 April, 2020 at Midnight (CET).

Before you submit, please make sure that your submission meets all the requirements of the Paper submission guidelines and use Paper Template  which fulfill all the requirements of the submission guidelines.

Paper submission link 

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