Workshop: Introduction to R and Web Scrapping

Katedra za inforamtiku organizira radionica iz Web-scrapping-a u R-u u srijedu 29.5.2019. u dv. 33 s početkom u 16 sati.

Radionicu će održati professor Hrant Davtyan, American University of Armenia, koji izvrsno poznaje navedene metode. Na radionicu je potrebno ponijeti računalo sa instaliranim programima.

S obzirom na broj ograničenih mjesta potrebna je prijava:

Workshop: Introduction to R and Web Scrapping

Summary: “Web Scraping and R” – The workshop will start with the introduction to R. It will introduce the techniques for collecting data from websites and structuring it for further analysis. Traditional natural language processing (NLP) techniques will be introduced for structuring textual data.

Place: Lecture hall 33

Time: Wednesday, 29th May 2019; 16 a.m.

Teaching instructor: Hrant Davtyan, American University of Armenia

Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of MsOffice.

Device: This is a BYOD (Bring-your-own-device) workshop. Therefore, the students should bring their own laptops with the following programmes installed:
1. R statistical programming language (
2. RStudio desktop open source edition (