Brown bag seminar

Šesti Brown bag seminar nastavlja se izlaganjem izv. prof. dr. sc. Tomislava Hernausa (Katedra za organizaciju i menadžment), koji će prezentirati rad u nastajanju: ACTUAL-WANTED TASK IDENTITY (IN)CONGRUENCE AND INNOVATIVE WORK BEHAVIOR: THE MEDIATED POLYNOMIAL REGRESSION EFFECTS OF JOB CRAFTING.

Seminar će se  održati na hrvatskom jeziku  u četvrtak  11. listopada 2018. u dvorani 51 s početkom u 14 sati.
Kratki sažetak izlaganja:
Previous meta-analytic evidence has shown several job-design characteristics to be crucial predictors of employee innovativeness. The reality is, however, that many individuals are likely to be incongruent with the characteristics of their jobs. Discrepancy in job-design characteristics (actual versus wanted) represents an under-researched area of the person–job fit literature and (paradoxically) has the potential to explain employee innovative work behavior. In particular, we decided to focus on task identity and entertain the possibility that employees can react to incongruent situations between actual- and wanted-task identity by adjusting their work and engaging in job crafting, and thus increase their creative and innovative performance. The results of cross-level mediated polynomial regression analyses from the multi-source time-lagged field study of 184 working professionals in a European bank and experimental study with 84 students at an EU-based university converged, thus offering several interesting findings. First, congruence in actual-wanted task identity at high levels (high-fit situation) leads to higher levels of innovative work behavior than congruence achieved at low levels (low-fit situation). Second, we found empirical evidence that task identity incongruence is driving innovative work behaviors more than congruence does. Third, task-identity overfit (actual > wanted) is positively predicting innovative work behavior via job crafting as a mechanism for employees to adjust their work and benefit from the (in)congruence. 
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