Round table "Let's talk about pension system reform - What have we done in Chile & What is Croatia doing now?"

The Faculty of Economics & Business and the Embassy of the Republic of Chile organize a roundtable on "Let's talk about pension system reform - What have we done in Chile & What is Croatia doing now?", which will be held on Thursday 23, 2019 at 11 hours in Hall 3 at the Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb.May
Mr. Axel Kaiser, Friedrich von Hayek Chair at Adolfo Ibáñez, University in Santiago de Chile, Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Foundation for Progress,
Mr. Dražen Opalić, Assistant Minister of Labor and Pension System
Mr. Miroslav Smetiško, Chief Advisor to the Minister of Labor and Pension System
Moderator: Assist. Prof.  Velibor Mačkić, PhD - Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb
To have a proper pension system for the country means to think over the present and future of the welfare of its citizens. Dr. Kaiser will explain how the Chilean pension system became one of the most efficient and most respected in the world, and how can be implemented in Croatia. However, to understand properly the functioning of the Chilean pension system, its necessary to give an overview of what it is, and how was established the current economic system in Chile, which made this country the most developed state in Latin America.

The deficit in Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, which creates pressure on the generally consolidated budget, as well as negative trends in the labor market and commonly  negative demographic trends in Croatia have resulted in the reform of the pension system. In order to understand the decisions that came into force as on January 1, 2019 it is necessary to review the situation until 2018, the reasons for the changes made, and what kind of projection of the pension insurance and the pension system in Croatia will be in the future.