Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb

Professor Mirjana Pejić Bach presented the PhisHRban project in the HRT show Studio 4

Professor Mirjana Pejić Bach participated on June 7, at 12.30,  in the show "Studio 4", and spoke about the PhishHRban project in which the Faculty of Economics & Business acts as a partner together with the Faculty of Philosophy and the company Megatrend.
The professor spoke about cybercrime with an emphasis on phishing, which, as the name suggests, is a way of "fishing" potential victims via e-mails in order to gain benefits in the form of money or information. Phishing happens when cybercriminals send emails with fake links that look like real links. They use various psychological tricks. For example, an email message is written in an urgent tone in which the recipient of the message is warned that he must take some action to avoid loss. In fact, it forces the recipient of the message to make a decision in the short term and thus reduces his or her caution. The PhisHRban project is developing an artificial intelligence solution with the aim of automatically recognizing phishing messages, which "catch" potential victims. The novelty of the project is that it is being developed for the Croatian language.

The entire show is available through the HRTi service https://hrti.hrt.hr/live/programme

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