Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb

Open Doors Day of the Faculty of Economics & Business, Zagreb

We are extremely pleased to be able to share the information that the Open Doors Day of the Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb will take place on Thursday, May 19, 2022, starting at 12:00 and 14:00, respectively, at the Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb.
Given the easing of measures related to the pandemic, we will traditionally organize a presentation of the Faculty for high school students, show them around the Faculty, and host them in our restaurant and bar Kefa, and we will also organize an interesting quiz and provide the handsome prizes.
We kindly ask all interested students to apply via the following application form Prijavni obrazac za DOV na EFZG
Sometime before 12 or 14 o'clock we will gather at the info desk (main entrance to the building, west side) and then we will go together to the newly renovated hall 3.
We are impatient to see you and are looking forward to your arrival!
High School Cooperation Committee
Faculty of Economics & Business
University of Zagreb