Dialogue with Citizens - The Future of Europe

The European Commission Representation in Croatia and the European Documentation Center of the Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb invite you to
Dialogue with Citizens The Future of Europe
with Mr. Andrej Plenković, Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, and  Mr. Michel Barnier, EC Chief Negotiator
Date and time of event: May 08, 2019 at 11.30
Event venue: Library and Documentation Center of the Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb
Applications are required: https://europa.eu/!yj69qf - until May 7, 2019 until 16:00 hrs or until capacity is completed.

Important remark:
Registration and participation at the event include the consent to photographing, video and audio recording and using recorded material for the European Commission's purposes. All data will be used in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.
When entering the hall, all visitors will be subjected to security control.