Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb

Inaugural lecture mr. sc. Mirna Linčir Lumezi

Inaugural lecture gateway to competition for the selection of the teaching position of lecturer at the Department of Business Foreign Languages, in the field of social sciences, field of philology, branch of English Studies, mr. sc. Mirna Linčir Lumezi on the topic:
Pursuant to Article 2 of the Decision on the form and method of implementation of the inaugural lecture for the election to scientific-educational, artistic-educational and educational titles (Official Gazette 129/2005), Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, prof. Ph. D. Lajos Zager, on 20/05/2016.


Inaugural lecture gateway to competition for the selection of the teaching position of lecturer at the Department of Business Foreign Languages, in the field of social sciences, field of philology, branch of English Studies, mr. sc. Mirna Linčir Lumezi on the topic:

   "Describing Graphs on Stock Exchange Data"

 which will be held on Tuesday, 31st May 2016 at 09.15 hours in Hall 22

Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, within regular classes, with committee members:

- Dr. Višnja Kabalin Borenić, senior lecturer, president of the committee

- Bolgarka Kiss Kulenovic, lecturer, member of the committee

- Dr. Olinka Breka, senior lecturer, member of the committee (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb)