EU države u objektivu obrazovanja

EU countries in the lens of education

Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu strateški je orijentiran na internacionalizaciju svojih studijskih programa te je, kroz akreditirane programe, postao središte ekonomskog obrazovanja za studente iz raznih država Europske unije i izvan nje.

Sa svrhom da se domaćim i međunarodnim studentima te ostalim članovima akademske zajednice pruži prilika da se, na vizualan način, educiraju o sličnostima i različitostima država Europske unije nastala je ideja da se pokrene projekt EU države u objektivu obrazovanja.

Inicijator idejnog projekta je Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, koji u suradnji s veleposlanstvima država članica Europske unije organizira seriju izložbi o kulturnim, obrazovnim, ekonomskim i drugim važnim aspektima koji obilježavaju svaku pojedinu državu. Projekt se provodi uz potporu Predstavništva Europske komisije u Hrvatskoj. 

The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb is strategically oriented towards the internationalization of its study programs and has become a centre of economic and business education for students from various countries of the European Union and beyond through its accredited programs. 

In order to provide domestic and international students and other members of the academic community with the opportunity to educate themselves about the similarities and differences between the countries of the European Union, the idea arose to launch the project “EU countries in the lens of education 

The initiator of the project is the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, which will organize a series of exhibitions on cultural, educational, economic and other important aspects that characterize each country, in cooperation with the embassies of EU member states. The project is implemented with the support of the Representation of the European Commission in Croatia.  

Organizaciju izložbi provodi Knjižnično-dokumentacijski centar (KDC) i Europski dokumentacijski centar (EDC-KDC) Ekonomskog fakulteta – Zagreb i imenovani predstavnik/ici veleposlanstva države kojoj se posvećuje izložba.

Izložbe su fizički postavljene u prostorima KDC-a i EDC-a, a po završetku postaju virtualne izložbe dostupne putem službenih web-stranica i društvenih mreža organizatora.

The organization of exhibitions is carried out by the Library and Documentation Center (LDC) and the European Documentation Center (EDC-LDC) of the Faculty of Economics & business - Zagreb and the appointed representative of the embassy of the country to which the exhibition is dedicated.

The exhibitions are physically set up in the premises of LDC and EDC, and upon completion, virtual exhibitions become available through the official website and social networks of the organizers.

Virtualne izložbe:

Virtual exhibitions:

Partneri / Partners