Radovi u Current Contents časopisima / Articles in Current Contents journals:
- Mikulić, J., Vitezić, V., Srhoj, S., Kuliš, J. (2024). Tourism Boom, Housing Doom: Excessive Tourism and International Emigration. Annals of Tourism Research, 109, 103853.
- Mikulić, J. (2024). Choosing the Right Fit: A Practical Guide to Selecting Measurement Models for Tourism Constructs. Tourism Management, 104917.
- Srhoj, S., Vitezić, V., Giannozzi, A., Mikulić, J. (2024). Tourism SME Default: A Note on Predictors. Tourism Management, 103, 104910.
- Šerić, M., Ozretić Došen, Đ., & Mikulić, J. (2024). Bonding with the destination brand during crisis: the role of message consistency. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Insights. DOI: 10.1108/JHTI-05-2024-0416
- Albayrak, T., Davras, Ö., Caber, M., Mikulić, J. (2024). An investigation of the asymmetric relationships between service quality attributes and customer engagement: A three-factor theory approach. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. DOI: 10.1080/19368623.2024.2327077. [Impact factor 2023: 12.5]
- Mikulić, J., Šerić, M., Krešić, D. (2024). Asymmetric effects of wellness destination and wellness facility attributes on tourist satisfaction. Tourism Review, 79(4), 969-980. [Impact factor 2021: 7.689]
- Rasoolimanesh, M., Taheri, B., Gannon, M., Mikulić, J. (2023). Assessing a Model of Customer Rage: Does Customer Entitlement Moderate Relationships Between Rage Emotions, Expressions and Behaviors? Journal of Travel Research. DOI: 10.1177/004728752312139. [Impact factor 2022: 8.9]
- Rasoolimanesh, M., Ali, F., Mikulić, J., Dogan, S. (2023). Reflective and Composite Scales in Tourism and Hospitality Research: Revising the Scale Development Procedure. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(2), 589-601. [Impact factor 2021: 9.321]
- Šerić, M., Mikulić, J. (2023). The impact of Integrated Marketing Communications consistency on destination brand equity to struggle uncertainty: The case of Croatia. Tourism Review, 78(3), 697-711. [Impact factor 2021: 7.689]
- Vizek, M., Stojčić, N., Mikulić, J. (2023). Spatial Spillovers of Tourism Activity on Housing Prices: The Case of Croatia. Tourism Economics, 29(5), 1276-1390. [Impact factor 2021: 4.582]
- Šerić, M., Ozretić Došen, D., Mikulić, J. (2023). Antecedents and moderators of positive word of mouth communication among tourist destination residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Issues in Tourism, 26(2), 224-241. [Impact factor 2021: 7.578]
- Mikulić, J. (2022). On the Validity and Meaningfulness of Higher-Order Reflective Constructs: A Rejoinder. Tourism Management, 104562. [Impact factor 2021: 12.879]
- Mikulić, J. (2022). Fallacy of Higher-Order Reflective Constructs. Tourism Management, 89, 104449. [Impact factor 2021: 12.879]
- Stojčić, N., Mikulić, J., Vizek, M. (2022). High Season, Low Growth: The impact of Tourism Seasonality and Vulnerability to Tourism on the Emergence of High-Growth Firms. Tourism Management, 89, 104455. [Impact factor 2021: 12.879]
- Šerić, M., Mikulić, J., Ozretić Došen, D. (2022). Understanding prevention measures and tourist behavior in Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed-method approach. Economic Research DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2022.2135556 [Impact factor 2021: 3.080].
- Vuković, A.J., Terzić, A., Gašević, D., Tomašević, D., Mikulić, J. (2022) Travel intentions in pandemic circumstances - the case of Balkan tourists. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja. DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2022.2143843 [Impact factor 2021: 3.080].
- Mikulić, J., Vizek, M., Stojčić, N., Payne, J.E., Čeh Časni, A., Barbić, T. (2021). The Effect of Tourism Activity on Housing Affordability. Annals of Tourism Research, 90, 103264. [Impact factor 2021: 12.853]
- Rasoolimanesh, S. M., Wang, M., Mikulić, J., Kunasekara, P., (2021). A Critical Review of Moderation Analysis in Tourism and Hospitality Research Toward Robust Guidelines. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(12), 4311-4333. [Impact factor 2021: 9.321]
- Miočević, D., Mikulić, J. (2021). Expatriate Adjustment and Engagement with Host Country Gastronomy: Investigating the Role of Identity Projects. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, DOI: 10.1177/10963480211014933. [Impact factor 2020: 5.161]
- Mikulić, J., Krešić, D., Šerić, M. (2021). The Factor Structure of Medical Tourist Satisfaction: Exploring Key Drivers of Choice, Delight and Frustration. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 45(8), 1489-1512. [Impact factor 2020: 5.161]
- Delić, M., Eyers, D., Mikulić, J. (2019). Additive Manufacturing: Empirical evidence for supply chain integration and performance from the automotive industry. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 24(5), 604-621. [Impact factor 2018: 4.296]
- Dežmar Krainz, K., Mikulić, J., Koren, H., Zavalić, A. (2019). Designing Work for Mental Health: the Moderating Role of Job Resources. Društvena Istraživanja, 28(1), 47-67.
- Mikulić, J., Ryan, C. (2018). Reflective versus formative confusion in SEM based tourism research: A critical comment. Tourism Management. 68, 465-469. [Impact factor 2018: 6.012]
- Mikulić, J. (2018). Towards an end of measurement misspecification in tourism research: Grammar of theoretical constructs, focus of thought and mind traps. Tourism Management, 68, 444-449. [Impact factor 2018: 6.012]
- Mikulić, J., Miloš Sprčić, D., Holiček, H., Prebežac, D. (2018). Strategic crisis management in tourism: An application of integrated risk management principles to the Croatian tourism industry. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 7, 36-38. [Impact factor 2018: 3.800]
- Šerić, M., Mikulić, J., Gil-Saura, I. (2018). Exploring relationships between customer-based brand equity and its drivers and consequences in the hotel context. An impact-asymmetry assessment. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(14), 1621-1643. [Impact factor 2018: 3.395]
- Dužević, I., Mikulić, J., Baković, T. (2018). An Extended Framework for Analyzing Higher Education Performance. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29 (5-6), 599-617 [Impact factor 2018: 2.181]
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D., Šerić, M., Krešić, D. (2017). Campsite choice and the camping tourism experience: Investigating decisive campsite attributes using relevance-determinance analysis. Tourism Management, 59, 226-233. [Impact factor 2016: 4.707]
- Mikulić, J., Šerić, M., Matas Milković, Lj. (2017). Airline loyalty determinants among business travelers: Empirical evidence from Croatia. Transportation Letters, 9(3), 177-183. [Impact factor 2016: 0.706]
- Šerić, M., Gil-Saura, I. Mikulić, J. (2017). Customer-based brand equity building: Empirical evidence from Croatian upscale hotels. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 23(2), 133-144. [Impact factor 2016: 1.148]
- Dumičić, K., Mikulić, J., Čeh Časni, A. (2017). Tourism spending behaviour before and after the 2008 Financial Crisis: A dynamic panel investigation. Tourism Economics, 23(1), 223-228. [Impact factor 2016: 0.826]
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2016). The Kano model in tourism research: A critical note. Annals of Tourism Research, 61, 25-27. [Impact factor 2016: 3.194]
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D., Dabić, M. (2016). Importance-performance analysis: Common misuse of a popular technique. International Journal of Market Research, 58(6), 775-778. [Impact factor 2016: 0.921]
- Mikulić, J., Krešić, D., Prebežac, D., Miličević, K., Šerić, M. (2016). Identifying drivers of destination attractiveness in a competitive environment: A comparison of approaches. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 5(2), 154-163. [Impact factor 2015: 1.176]
- Mikulić, J., Krešić, D., Miličević, K., Šerić, M., Ćurković, B. (2016). Destination attractiveness drivers among urban hostel tourists: An analysis of frustrators and delighters. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(1), 74-81. [Impact factor 2015: 1.095]
- Mikulić, J., Kožić, I., Krešić, D. (2015). Weighting indicators of tourism sustainability: A critical note. Ecological Indicators, 48, 312-314. [Impact factor 2014: 3.444]
- Mikulić, J., Dužević, I., Baković, T. (2015). Exploring drivers of student satisfaction and dissatisfaction: An assessment of impact-asymmetry and impact-range. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 26(11-12), 1213-1225. [Impact factor 2014: 1.323]
- Mikulić, J., Krešić, D., Kožić, I. (2015). Critical factors of the maritime yachting tourism experience: An impact-asymmetry analysis of principal components. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(Sup1), S30-S41. [Impact factor 2015: 1.741]
- Kožić, I., Mikulić, J. (2014). Research Note: Measuring tourism sustainability - an empirical comparison of different weighting procedures used in modelling composite indicators. Tourism Economics, 20(2), 429-438. [Impact factor 2014: 0.515]
- Krešić, D., Mikulić, J., Miličević, K. (2013). The factor structure of tourist satisfaction at pilgrimage destinations: The case of Medjugorje. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(5), 484-494. [Impact factor 2012: 0.861]
- Mikulić, J., Paunović, Z., Prebežac, D. (2012). An extended neural network-based importance-performance analysis for enhancing wine fair experience. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 29(8), 744-759. [Impact factor 2010: 0.835]
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2012). Accounting for dynamics in attribute-importance and for competitor performance to enhance reliability of BPNN-based importance-performance analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(5), 5144-5153. [Impact factor 2011: 2.203]
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2012). Using dummy regression to explore asymmetric effects in tourist satisfaction: A cautionary note. Tourism Management. 33(3), 713-716. [Impact factor 2011: 2.597]
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2011). Evaluating hotel animation programs at Mediterranean sun and sea resorts: An impact-asymmetry analysis. Tourism Management, 32(3), 688-696. [Impact factor 2011: 2.597]
>>>>Scopus Top 25 Most Downloaded Articles; Category: Business, Management and Accounting; Year 2011 Q1. - Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2011). Rethinking the importance grid as a research tool for quality managers. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22(9), 993-1006. [Impact factor 2011: 0.589]
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2011). A critical review of techniques for classifying quality attributes in the Kano Model. Managing Service Quality, 21(1), 46-66. [Impact factor 2011: 0.642]
>>>>Managing Service Quality Top 20 Most Downloaded Articles in 2011. - Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2011). What drives passenger loyalty to traditional and low-cost airlines? A formative partial least squares approach. Journal of Air Transport Management, 17(4), 237-240. [Impact factor 2011: 0.907]
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2008). Prioritizing improvement of service attributes using impact range-performance analysis and impact-asymmetry analysis. Managing Service Quality, 18(6), 559-576. [Impact factor 2011: 0.642]
>>>>Managing Service Quality Top 10 Most Popular Articles.
Radovi u drugim WOS časopisima / Articles in other WOS journals:
- Tontini, G., Irgang, L., Kroenke, A., Hadlich, I., Picolo, J.D., Mikulić, J. (2022). How to use spontaneous customer comments to identify nonlinear background of satisfaction with restaurant services. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 29(2), 496-521.
- Škorić, S., Mikulić, J., Barišić, P. (2021). The Mediating Role of Major Sport Events in Visitors’ Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Intention to Revisit a Destination. Societies, 11(3), 78.
- Šerić, M., Mikulić, J. (2020). Building brand equity through communication consistency in luxury hotels: an impact-asymmetry analysis. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 3(4), 451-468.
- Mikulić, J. (2020). Tourism in a VUCA World. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 68(2), 119.
- Mikulić, J. (2020). Taking over the baton! Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 68(1), 6.
- Dabić, M., Mikulić, J., Novak, I. (2017). Framing research at the tourism and terrorism nexus. Acta Turistica, 29(2), 181-212.
- Mikulić, J., Miličević, K., Krešić, D. (2016). The relationship between brand strength and tourism intensity: Empirical evidence from the EU capital cities. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 10(1), 14-23.
- Šerić, M., Gil-Saura, I. Mikulić, J. (2016). Exploring Integrated Marketing Communications, brand awareness, and brand image in hospitality marketing: A cross-cultural approach. Tržište/Market, 28(2), 159-172.
- Hernaus, T., Mikulić, J. (2014). Work characteristics and work performance of knowledge workers. EuroMed Journal of Business, 9(3), 268-292.
- Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J., Jurković, P. (2010). Passenger perceptions of airport service performance - A three-dimensional importance-performance analysis. Acta Turistica, 22(2), 161-177.
- Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J. (2008). Destination image and key drivers of perceived destination attractiveness. Tržište/Market, 20(2), 163-178.
- Mikulić, J. (2007). Quality management of airport services - An analysis of the multifactor structure of customer satisfaction. Tržište/Market, 19(1), 23-41.
Recenzirani radovi u drugim časopisima / Refereed articles in other journals:
- Matas Milkovič, Lj., Mikulić, J. (2016). Utjecaj marke zračnog prijevoznika na lojalnost poslovnih putnika. Poslovna Izvrsnost, 10(1), 9-16.
- Madžar, T., Lazibat, T., Mikulić, J. (2016). Mjerenje kvalitete usluge u zdravstvenom turizmu. Poslovna Izvrsnost, 10(1), 187-201.
- Mikulić, J., Vlaić, V. (2013). Analiza navika mladih Hrvata u međunarodnim turističkim putovanjima. Zbornik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 11(2), 55-74.
- Kožić, I., Mikulić, J. (2013). Using an indicator system for evaluating tourism sustainability in Croatia. Turističko Poslovanje/The Business of Tourism, 12, 39-50.
- Kožić, I., Mikulić, J. (2011). Mogućnosti uspostave sustava pokazatelja za ocjenu i praćenje održivosti turizma u Hrvatskoj. Privredna Kretanja i Ekonomska Politika, 21(127), 57-81.
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2009). Analyzing the potentials of airline service elements to impact passenger loyalty- A hierarchical approach. Akademija MM, 9(14), 13-21.
- Mikulić, J. (2006). Istraživanje utjecaja neplanske gradnje na razvoj održivog turizma Makarske rivijere / Research of the influence of unplanned building on the development of sustainable tourism in Makarska riviera. Acta Turistica, 18(1), 76-98.
- Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J. (2005). Souvenirs as a part of the tourism offer of the City of Zagreb. Tržište/Market, 17(2), 89-98.
Knjige / Books:
- Marušić, M., Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J. (2019). Istraživanje turističkih tržišta. Ekonomski fakultet - Zagreb.
Poglavlja u knjizi / Book chapters:
- Pivčević, S., Mikulić, J., & Krešić, D. (2021). Mitigating the Pressures: The Role of Participatory Planning in Protected Area Management. Mediterranean Protected Areas in the Era of Overtourism: Challenges and Solutions. Springer Nature, pp. 71-89.
- Krešić, D., Mikulić, J. (2021). Scenarij faznog pristupa oporavku turističkog tržišta nakon COVID-19 pandemije. Covid-19: Prijetnja i Prilika za HR Turizam. Institut za turizam, Zagreb, pp. 4-9.
- Kožić, I., Mikulić, J., Krešić, D. (2016). Propensity to Travel: What Is the Macro-Data Telling Us?. In Impact Assessment in Tourism Economics. Springer International Publishing, pp. 9-22.
- Mikulić, J., Krešić, D., Miličević, K. (2016). Key-Driver Analysis with Extended Back-Propagation Neural Network Based Importance-Performance Analysis (BPNN-IPA). In Intelligent Decision Making in Quality Management. Springer International Publishing, pp. 447-461.
- Grilec Kaurić, A., Miočević, D., Mikulić, J. (2014). Dynamic Capabilities and Firm Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Performance. In Blecker, T., Kersten, W., Ringle, C.M. (Eds.): Innovative Methods in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Berlin: epubli GmbH, pp. 387-407.
- Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J. (2011). Međuzavisnost turizma i prometa. In Čavlek, N., Bartoluci, M., Prebežac, D., Kesar, O. (Eds.): Turizam: Ekonomske osnove i organizacijski sustav. Zagreb: Školska Kniga, pp.188-211.
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2009). Developing service improvement strategies under consideration of multicollinearity and asymmetries in loyalty intentions - A study from the airline industry. In: Stauss, B., Brown, S.W., Edvardsson, B., Johnston, R. (Eds.): QUIS 11: Moving Forward with Service Quality. Wolfsburg: Germany, 414-423.
Recenzirani radovi u zbornicima konferencija / Refereed conference papers:
- Baković, T., Dužević, I., Mikulić, J. (2019). The potential of implicit association test for researching latent customer needs. 22nd QMOD-ICQS conference 2019 - Leadership and Strategies for Quality, Sustainability and Innovation in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Lund, Sweden: Lund University Library Press, 1-11.
- Kesar, O., Mikulić, J. (2017). Medical Tourist Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction With Dental Care Services: An Exploratory Case Study. 4th ToSEE International Scientific Conference, University of Rijeka, Opatija, Croatia, 243-258 .
- Barišić, P., Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J. (2017). City branding by the event brand ambassador. 15th APacCHRIE Conference, International Bali Institute of Tourism, Nusa Dua - Bali, 2739-2755.
- Barišić, P. Škorić, S., Mikulić, J. (2017). Evaluating the success of promotion campaign for major sports events: The case of FIBA EuroBasket 2015, Croatia. STC'16 Sport Tourism Conference - Red, green and blue strategies, University of Zagreb, 1-24.
- Kesar, O., Mikulić, J. (2016). How Changes in Formal Entry Procedures for Foreign Nationals Affect Inbound Tourism Demand? The Case of Croatia. 6th International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2016), Naples, Italy, 242-254.
- Grilec Kaurić, A., Mikulić, J., Omazić, M.A. (2016). Dynamic Capabilities and Companies’ Performance in the Textile, Apparel and Leather and Related Products Industry. 4th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1231-1246.
- Lovrenčić-Butković, L., Grilec Kaurić, A., Mikulić, J. (2016). Supply Chain Management in the Construction Industry - A Literature Review. 4th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 798-811.
- Šerić, M., Gil-Saura, I. Mikulić, J. (2015). Marketing communications, brand awareness, and brand image. An analysis of customer perceptions from the cross-cultural perspective. CROMAR Conference Proceedings, "Marketing Theory and Practice - Building Bridges and Fostering Collaboration", University of Split, Croatia.
- Kožić, I., Krešić, D., Mikulić, J. (2015). The contribution of tourism to socio-economic development: Myth or reality? 1st International Conference Myths of Tourism, Zadar, Croatia, 35-49.
- Grilec Kaurić, A., Mikulic, J., Schroeder, M. (2015). Supply Chain Management in Tourism Systems: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature. 3rd International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 626-639.
- Mikulić, J., Krešić, D., Prebežac, D. (2014). Which destination attributes matter to sun-and-sea tourists in Croatia? A relevance-determinance analysis. 4th Advances in Hospitality & Tourism Marketing & Management Conference, University of Mauritius & Washington State University, Mauritius, pp. 104-122.
- Mikulić, J., Miličević, K., Krešić, D. (2014). A comparative analysis of brand strength and tourism intensity among the EU capital cities: Does branding really matter? 5th International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao, pp. 335-346.
- Grilec Kaurić, A., Mikulić, J., Lovrenčić Butković, L. (2014). Perspectives of Fashion Design as a part of the Creative Industry - Case of the Croatian fashion designers. 3rd International M-SPHERE Conference for Multidisciplinarity in Science and Business, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 300-304.
- Mikulić, J., Dužević, I., Baković, T. (2014). An extended framework for analysing higher education performance: The case of Croatia. 17th QMOD−ICQSS Conference. Prague, Czech Republic, 1-14.
- Kožić, I., Mikulić, J., Krešić, D. (2014). Propensity to Travel: What The Macro-data Are Telling Us? 5th International Conference on Advances in Tourism Economics (ATE2014), Lisboa, Universidades Lusiada, 1-7.
- Mikulić, J., Krešić, D., Kožić, I. (2014). Uncovering Priorities of Nautical Tourism in Croatia: An Importance-Performance Analysis. 2nd Belgrade International Tourism Conference BITCO - Thematic Tourism in a Global Environment: Advantages, Challenges and Future Developments, Belgrade, College of Tourism, 355-367.
- Kožić, I., Mikulić, J. (2013). An Assessment of the Sustainability of Tourism in Croatian Coastal Destinations. Razvoj i okoliš - Perspektive održivosti. Zagreb: FF-press, 285-296.
- Mikulić, J., Dužević, I., Baković, T. (2013). Setting Priorities for Quality Improvements in Higher Education: Impact-Asymmetry and Performance Analysis. 16th QMOD−ICQSS Conference. Portorož, Slovenia, 1231-1244.
- Krešić, D., Mikulić, J., Kožić, J. (2013). Artificial Neural Network-Based Applications in Travel and Tourism Research: A Review and Case Study. 5th International Critical Tourism Studies Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina (online).
- Krešić, D., Mikulić, J., Miličević, K. (2012). Identifying critical pilgrimage destination attributes with neural network-based importance-performance analysis: The case of Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2nd International Conference Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing & Management, Corfu, Greece, 1-7 (CD-ROM).
- Barišić, P., Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J. (2012). The image and identity of Croatia as a tourist destination: an exploratory study. 6th International Conference An Enterprise Odyssey: Corporate governance and public policy — path to sustainable future, Šibenik, Croatia, 1280-1290 (CD ROM).
- Kožić, I., Mikulić, J. (2012). Using an indicator system for evaluating tourism sustainability in Croatia. 1st Belgrade International Tourism Conference BITCO - Contemporary Tourism: Wishes & Opportunities, Belgrade, College of Tourism, 71-85.
- Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2009). The service-loyalty link in air transportation - Analyzing relevance, determinance and determinance-asymmetry of service elements. 3rd International Conference Marketing Theory Challenges in Transitional Societies, University of Maribor, 197-204.
- Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J., Peručić, D. (2008). Satisfiers and dissatisfiers in congress tourism - The case of Dubrovnik. 2nd International Conference Marketing Theory Challenges in Transitional Societies, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, 253-261.
- Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J. (2008). Measuring perceived destination image: A comparative case study of Croatia and Hawaii. 4th International Conference An Enterprise Odyssey: Tourism - Governance and Entrepreneurship, Cavtat, Croatia, 1942-1955. (CD ROM)
- Mikulić, J. (2007). The Kano model - A review of its application in marketing research from 1984 - 2006. 1st International Conference Marketing Theory Challenges in Transitional Societies, University of Maribor, 87-96.
- Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J. (2005). Turistički suvenir grada Zagreba. XIX. CROMAR Congress Marketinške paradigme za 21. stoljeće, Zagreb, Croatia. 643-655.
- Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J. (2004). The Use of Internet: An Opportunity or a Threat to Traditional Distribution in Tourism. 2nd International Conference An Enterprise Odyssey: Economics and Business in the New Millennium, University of Zagreb, 264-266.
Sažeci/izlaganja na međunarodnim znanstvenim skupovima / Conference abstracts/presentations:
- Mikulić, J. (2022). Reflective-formative confusion and common misconceptions in structural equations modeling. Plenary speech. 4th International Statistical Conference in Croatia (ISCCRO’22) - „Applied Statistical Methods - Current trends and issues”, Croatian Statistical Association, 5-6 May 2022, Opatija, Croatia.
- Krešić, D., Marković Vukadin, I., Mikulić, J. (2019). Tourism for all: Development potentials for inclusive and accessible tourism in Croatia. Book of abstracts: Tourism in the VUCA world: Towards the era of (ir)responsibility. Zagreb: Institut for Tourism, 114-116.
- Paunović, Z., Mikulić, J., Prebežac, D. (2019). Exhibiting on a wine festival - wine producers' point of view. 13th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE), Vienna, Austria.
- Mikulić, J., Šerić, M. (2018). Managing Brand Equity Through Brand Communication: An Impact-Asymmetry Analysis. 47th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.
- Miličević, K., Sever, I., Mikulić, J., Krešić, D. (2018). Online image of Croatia as a tourism destination: Relevance of sustainability-related attributes. TTRA 2018 Europe Chapter Conference Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Škorić, S., Mikulić, J., Barišić, P. (2018). Characteristics of sports event visitors: The case of EuroBasket 2015. IRNIST STC'18 Sport Tourism and Local Sustainable Development, Lille, Francuska, Universite de Lille, 46.
- Krešić, D., Marković, I., Kožić, I., Mikulić, J. (2016). Exploring spatial impact of tourism development on protected areas from the TALC model perspective. International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2016), Napulj, International Association for Tourism Policy, 62.
- Kesar, O., Mikulić, J. (2016). How changes in formal entry procedures for foreign nationals affect inbound tourism demand? The case of Croatia. International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2016), Napulj, International Association for Tourism Policy.
- Škare, V., Ozretić Došen, Đ., Komarac, T., Mikulić, J. (2016). Towards Understanding Consumers' Acceptance of Location-Based Services in Mobile Applications. 6th EMAC Regional Conference “Convergence and Divergence in the New Europe: Marketing Challenges and Issues”, Vienna University of Economics and Business.
- Barišić, P., Škorić, S., Mikulić, J. (2016). Evaluating success of promotion campaign for major sports events: The case of FIBA Eurobasket 2015, Croatia. STC’16 Sport Tourism Conference - Red, green and blue strategies, University Zagreb, Croatia, 37.
- Mikulić, J., Dabić, M., Prebežac, D. (2015). 15 Years of Destination Branding Research: Mapping a Propulsive Area of Study. 3rd World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality, Orlando, Florida.
- Škare, V., Ozretić Došen, Đ., Komarac, T., Mikulić, J. (2015). Towards Understanding Consumers' Acceptance Of Location-Based Services In Mobile Applications. 6th EMAC Regional Conference, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria.
- Gil-Saura, I., Mikulić, J., Šerić, M., Mollá, A. (2014). Creation of Customer-based brand Equity in the hospitality Industry: A Study In Croatian upscale hotels. EMAC 2014 - 43rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain.
- Grilec Kaurić, A., Mikulić, J., Lovrenčić Butković, L. (2014). Perspectives of fashion design as a part of the creative industry - Case of the Croatian fashion designers. 3rd International M-Sphere Conference, Zadar, Croatia.
- Mikulić, J., Kožić, I., Krešić, D. (2013). Weighting Indicators of Tourism Sustainability, 63rd AIEST Conference, Izmir, Turkey.
- Kožić, I., Krešić, D., Mikulić, J. (2013). The contribution of tourism to socio-economic development: Myth or reality?. 1st International Conference Myths of Tourism, Zadar, Croatia.
- Kožić, I., Mikulić, J. (2011). Ocjena održivosti turizma u hrvatskim obalnim destinacijama. Znanstveni Simpozij Razvoj i Okoliš - Perspektive Održivosti, Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Prebežac, D., Mikulić, J. (2007). Tourism Destination Awareness and Image of Canada among Croatian Students of Economics and Business. 2nd International Conference in Canadian Studies Questioning Identities: The Canadian Context, Rab, Croatia.
Stručni radovi / Professional papers:
- Krešić, D., Mikulić, J. (2020). Scenarij faznog pristupa oporavku turističkog tržišta nakon COVID-19 pandemije. Institut za Turizam, Serija članak na temu utjecaja COVID-19 pandemije na turizam, br. 1.
- Marković Vukadin, I., Marušić, Z., Telišman Košuta, N., Mikulić, J., Krešić, D. (2019). Priručnik za mjerenje i praćenje održivosti turizma za destinacije. Institut za Turizam: Zagreb.
Radovi u nastajanju / Working papers:
- Hernaus, T., Mikulić, J. (2013). Work Characteristics and Work Performance of Knowledge Workers: What Goes Hand in Hand? (No. 1309). Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb Working Paper Series.
- Kožić, I., Mikulić, J. (2011). An exploratory assessment of tourism sustainability in Croatian coastal destinations. Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb Working Paper Series, 11-04: 1-12.
Rječnici, leksikoni, enciklopedije:
- Previšić, J. (2011). Leksikon marketinga. Ekonomski fakultet - Zagreb. Koautor pojmova.
Doktorska disertacija / PhD thesis:
- Mjerenje kvalitete usluge zračnog prijevoza primjenom indeksa zadovoljstva korisnika (2009), (Measuring airline service quality using a customer satisfaction index), Ekonomski fakultet - Zagreb.
Magistarski rad / Master thesis:
Istraživanja u funkciji upravljanja kvalitetom usluga zračnih luka (2006), (The role of market research in quality management of airport services), Ekonomski fakultet - Zagreb.