50. Brown Bag seminar - izlagač dr. sc. Anne Sophie Lassen (Copenhagen Business School)

Pozivamo vas na Brown bag seminar koji će se održati u utorak 18. lipnja u 14h na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu u dvorani 31.


Ciklus Brown bag seminara svojim izlaganjem nastavit će dr. sc. Anne Sophie Lassen (Copenhagen Business School) koja će prezentirati rad pod naslovom  “Can Public Policy Change Gender Norms? Evidence from a Large Expansion of Paternity Leave in Denmark” (ko-autori Henrik Kleven, Camille Landais, Philip Rosenbaum, Herdis Steingrimsdottir & Jakob Søgaard).  


Kratki sažetak izlaganja:

Do public policies affect norms in society? Traditionally, economists have analyzed public policies almost exclusively through their effect of economic incentives. However, such incentives appear to explain only a minor part of the stark specialization that occurs at the onset of parenthood. In this project, we combine rich administrative records with a population-wide survey of Danish parents as they enter parenthood, and again 18 months after their child is born. We show that parents become more gender conservative between our two survey waves. We do this during the introduction of earmarked paternity leave, and we ask whether increased paternal involvement offsets some of the changes in gender attitudes in the first year and a half of parenthood.


O izlagačici:

Anne Sophie Lassen je postdoktorandica na Copenhagen Business School i od jeseni se seli na poziciju na Berlin School of Economics i WZB. Bavi se primjenjenom mikroekonomijom te temama oko rodne nejednakosti na tržištu rada. Objavila je nekoliko radova u najprestižnim međunarodnim časopisima poput American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings i Labour Economics.