Paper Development Workshop - Prof. dr. sc. Justin Paul, University of Puerto Rico, SAD

Svi zainteresirani su pozvani na radionicu: Paper Development Workshop, koju će na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu u utorak, 20.06.2018. godine od 8:00 - 17:00 sati u dvorani 7 održati prof. dr. sc. Profesor Justin Paul, University of Puerto Rico, SAD.
Ukoliko ste zainteresirani, potvrdite svoj dolazak na slijedeći link:, najkasnije do 15.06.2018. godine.

Više detalja dostupno je ovdje.

Svi zaposlenici i doktorski studenti Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu oslobođeni su plaćanja, a cijena za sve vanjske sudionike iznosi 150 EUR (Sudionici iz Hrvatske kotizaciju plaćaju u kunskoj protuvrijednosti, koristeći srednji tečaj HNB-a na dan uplate).
JUSTIN PAUL is a full professor with the Graduate school of Business Administration, University of Puerto Rico, USA. He has served as a full time faculty member with the University of Washington, Nagoya University of Commerce & Business- Japan. He is serving/served as Guest/Senior/Associate Editor for International Business review, Journal of Retailing and Consumer services, Small Business Economics, Journal of Promotion Management, International Trade Journal, European Journal of International Management. He has been a visiting Professor at Vienna University of Economics & Business, Aarhus University- Denmark, Deakin University- Australia, Grenoble Eco le de Management-France.
Participation cost is 150 EUR (Croatian participants are paying in HRK using exchange rate of HNB on payment day), and the deadline for applying is 15th June. Register at:

Payment details:
Adress: Zagrebačka banka, Trg Bana Josipa Jelačića 10, Zagreb;  Call number: 30171;  SWIFT: ZABAHR2X;  IBAN: HR0723600001101351242

For more details click here.