Najava Brown bag seminara

​49. Brown Bag seminar - izlagač Jakov Jandrić

Pozivamo vas na 49. Brown bag seminar koji će se održati u četvrtak, 25. travnja 2024. u 14:00 sati, na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu u dvorani 54.

Ciklus Brown bag seminara svojim izlaganjem nastavit će Jakov Jandrić (University of Edinburgh Business School), koji će prezentirati rad pod naslovom „Blue collar older bodies at work: Age-blind embodied precarity".

Kratki sažetak izlaganja:

We introduce age-blind embodied precarity as a theoretical concept for understanding the embodied experiences of older blue collar workers in organisations dependent on this group to perform physical labour. Drawing on and extending sociological perspectives on ontological precarity and neo-liberal responsibilisation, it is argued that employers in these contexts are likely to emphasise age blindness as a means of avoiding responsibility for recognising ageing bodies in the organisation of work. Qualitative interviews with bus and tram drivers in four countries (Czechia, Ireland, Switzerland and the UK) correspondingly reveal three ways in which age-blind embodied precarity is experienced: (1) as age-blind employment practices that set the context for the older worker treatment; (2) as embodied experiences of blue-collar work that trigger a sense of embodied precarity in later life; and (3) a sense of responsibilisation under which the individual takes it upon themselves to maintain their ageing bodies in order to be able to continue working.

O izlagaču: 

Jakov Jandrić is The Nick Oliver Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at the University of Edinburgh Business School. In his research, Jakov is interested in what defines and shapes relations between institutions, organisations and individuals. He investigates these questions in different institutional and empirical contexts, from higher education and business schools, to the theoretical and empirical exploration of ageing in the workplace.

Predviđeno trajanje izlaganja:
30-40 min, nakon čega slijedi diskusija
Opis koncepta Brown bag seminara:
Brown bag seminar (BBS) predstavlja neformalnu radionicu u trajanju od sat vremena s ciljem prezentiranja istraživanja u različitim fazama izrade (ideje, zaokruženi teorijski okvir, provedena empirijska istraživanja, itd.), promicanja diskusije i stvaranja stimulativnog okruženja usmjerenog konstruktivnoj raspravi između izlagačice/-a i preostalih sudionika seminara. Osnovna ideja BBS-a jest stvoriti platformu na kojoj će, minimalno jednom mjesečno, zaposlenici EFZG-a dobiti priliku prezentirati ideje i članke na kojima rade u sklopu svog znanstveno-istraživačkog rada. Pozivamo vas da se odazovete i pomognete svojim konstruktivnim komentarima izlagačicama/-ima, te sami izložite teme na kojim trenutno radite, neobjavljene radove ili prezentirate istraživačke ideje o kojima razmišljate.