Faculty of Economics & Business - Zagreb

Colloquium academicum “Blaženi Alojzije Stepinac – katolički uzor čovjekoljublja"

In the organization of the Catholic Theological Faculty in Zagreb, a Colloquium academicum “Blaženi Alojzije Stepinac – katolički uzor čovjekoljublja” was held on November 4th 2015 at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

In the academic discussion there were several participants, which include the Rector of the University of Zagreb, prof. dr. sc. Damir Boras; president of the CASA, academician Zvonko Kusić; president of “Matica Hrvatska”, academician Stjepan Damjanović; deputy director of the Croatian Institute for History prof. dr. sc. Gordan Ravančić; director of the Old Church Slavonic Institute, dr. sc. Marica Čunčić; president of the Croatian Writers' Association, mr. sc. Božidar Petrač; prof. dr. s.c Stipe Botica from the Department of Croatian Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb; and the postulator of the cause of Stepinac, mons. prof. dr. sc. Juraj Batelja.


Greetings to the participants of the meeting, among whom was the Apostolic Nuncio Alessandro D d'Errico , a few Croatian bishops, representatives of the political life and the diplomatic corps and numerous professors, students and other citizens, were given by the Zagreb Archbishop, Cardinal Josip Bozanić.


At the very end, prof. dr. sc. Tonči Matulić, the dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology, thanked the Faculty of Economics and Business for their hospitality.