Projects funded by The Croatian Scientific Foundation od 2013:
Projekti financirani od Hrvatske zaklade za znanost od 2013:

8509 Accounting and financial reporting reform as a means for strengthening the development of efficient public sector financial management in Croatia (prof. dr. sc. Vesna Vašiček)

3535 Building competitiveness of Croatian manufacturing – Jačanje hrvatske proizvodnje (izv. prof. dr. sc. Jasna Prester)

3858 The role of economic sentiment in explaining macroeconomic trends: methodological improvements and new areas of application (prof. dr. sc. Mirjana Čižmešija)

5199 Volatility measurement, modelling and forecasting (doc. dr. sc. Josip Arnerić)

9402 Statistical Modelling for Response to Crisis and Economic Growth in Western Balkan Countries (prof. dr. sc. Ksenija Dumičić)

7031 Sustainability of Croatian Economic Policy and Development ( Jurica Šimurina)
Projects funded by The Croatian Scientific Foundation od 2015:
Projekti financirani od Hrvatske zaklade za znanost od 2015:

5476 The Role of Structural Reforms in Promoting the External Competitiveness of the European Union / Uloga strukturnih reformi u poticanju vanjske konkurentnosti zemalja Europske unije (prof. dr. sc. Boris Cota)

5600 Closing the gap in compensation strategy and practice between Croatia and EU / Približavanje strategije i prakse nagrađivanja hrvatskih poduzeća europskoj praksi (prof. dr. sc. Lovorka Galetić)

UIP-2014-09-3909 Fostering Innovative Work Behaviour of Public Employees by Using Work Design Interventions / Poticanje inovativnog ponašanja zaposlenika u javnom sektoru primjenom intervencija u dizajnu posla (doc. dr. sc. Tomislav Hernaus)                           

UIP-2014-09-4057 Potentials and obstacles of Social Supermarkets Development in Central and Eastern Europe / UIP-2014-09-4057 Potencijali i prepreke razvoja socijalnih supermarketa u Srednjoj i Istočnoj Europi  (izv. prof. dr. sc. Blaženka Knežević)

UIP-2014-09-7005 The Branding of Tourism Destinations: Looking at Brand Performance in the Context of the Destination Branding Process / Brendiranje Turističke Destinacije: Analiza Uspješnosti Brenda u Kontekstu Procesa Brendiranja Destinacije
( Josip Mikulić)

IP-2014-09-3729 Process and Business Intelligence for Business Excellence  - PROSPER (prof. dr. sc. Vesna Bosilj Vukšić)